Nokia has applied for a U.S. patent for a new technology where a magnetic tattoo would transfer a tingling feeling into phone users' arms when the...
Jon McNaughton, a controversial artist who often mixes religion and politics in his work, has released a new painting. In “One Nation Under Socialism,” President Obama...
“We Catholics cannot speak about the Promised Land for the Jewish people”, the synod’s document said. “There is no longer a chosen people. The concept of...
A longtime advocate for equal rights, Ben & Jerry's UK has re-named its apple pie flavor "Apple-y Ever After" in support of gay marriage. This week,...
Mr Livingstone, Labour’s candidate for mayor of London, pledged to “educate the mass of Londoners” in Islam, saying: “That will help to cement our city as...
A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was...
In most Swedish cities, public buses don't accept cash; tickets are prepaid or purchased with a cell phone text message. A small but growing number of...
Among all Obama’s radical associates from the past, few received more attention or were as shocking as the president’s connection to Bill Ayers. The relationship plagued...
Spies will no longer have to plant bugs in your home - the rise of 'connected' gadgets controlled by apps will mean that people 'bug' their...
Benjamin Netanyahu, going a step further in his warnings to Iran, hinted that Israel didn’t need Washington’s blessing to go ahead and attack Iran’s suspect nuclear...
Led by Texas-based Noble Energy, the Israelis have already identified two gas fields south of Cyprus, code-named "Leviathan" and "Tamar," that offer a combined 24 trillion...
With the full approval of Benedict XVI, The Diocese of Würburg, Germany reported on February 29, 2012, that it will permanently display a portrayal of the...
In Accelerating Technology We Trust? A team of American high-tech experts arrived in Jaffa on Sunday to discuss their belief that the world is on the...
A Liberal Democrat minister has ordered Government lawyers to oppose the right of Christian workers to wear a cross. On the instructions of Equalities Minister Lynne...
Palestinians kept up rocket fire against southern Israel on Monday in a fourth day of hostilities in which 23 Palestinians have been killed. "If the Qassam...
"You're not gonna see it, you're not gonna hear it, you're not gonna smell it: you're gonna feel it," explained US Marine Colonel Tracy Taffola, director...
A plan being proposed by three lawmakers in Colorado, Reps. Ken Summers and Tom Massey and Sen. Betty Boyd, would require consumers to submit to a...
The Main Stream Media ignored the bombs as they fell over Israel. Not a link, not a photo, not even a whisper of the fact that...
Fifty Libyan Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries arrived in the Gaza Strip from Tripoli last month at the wheels of minivans on which were mounted the new Grad...
An overall total of 30 rockets fired just today from the Gaza Strip struck major population centers in southern Israel. More than 500,000 Israelis are forced...
Of the many roles Pat Robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader — including presidential candidate and provocative voice of the right...
Israel has asked the United States for advanced "bunker-buster" bombs and refueling planes that could improve its ability to attack Iran's underground nuclear sites, an Israeli...
Rick Warren's staff has acknowledged the Register article is correct, he had a role in the “King’s Way” document, he signed “CommonWord,” and he even traveled...
Rules For Radicals. In case you missed it, the Obama Administration no longer follows the Constitution. Now the United States of America looks to the United...