With a September deadline looming, Israel's prime minister turned to the Arabic media Thursday for the first time since taking office two years ago in an...
China's military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence...
The 60-year-old evangelical ministry announced its new name at a staff conference in Fort Collins, Colo., on Tuesday (July 19), saying the old name had become...
Dozens of police departments nationwide are gearing up to use a tech company's already controversial iris- and facial-scanning device that slides over an iPhone and helps...
Palestinians are waiting for confirmation from the United States whether it will use its veto power at the United Nations Security Council this September when the...
Western capitals have reacted angrily to an announcement by Iran that it is installing more advanced centrifuges in a uranium enrichment plant with the aim of...
He let me know he is a close friend of President Bush ''and many, if not most, of the generals at the Pentagon.'' He also told...
U.S. law-enforcement agencies are increasingly obtaining warrants to search Facebook, often gaining detailed access to users' accounts without their knowledge. A Reuters review of the Westlaw...
Iran is preparing to install centrifuges for higher-grade uranium enrichment in an underground bunker, diplomatic sources say, a development that is likely to add to Western...
Casey Anthony is planning on writing a best-seller, so she can strike it rich on the back of her dead daughter, Caylee. She is also planning...
The intoxicating atmosphere of the 2008 election and Obama’s inauguration has given way to a hangover. Americans were promised that the $787 billion Obama stimulus package...
Iran has successfully test-fired 14 missiles during military drills, Iranian news agencies reported Tuesday. Following the unveiling of several missile silos Monday, Tuesday's exercises are the...
The Christian radio station belonging to Harold Camping, who twice incorrectly predicted the world would end, plans to replace his weekday segment Open Forum with new...
New York dramatically voted tonight to allow same-sex marriage, becoming the biggest state so far to legalise gay marriage in a move that may kick-start a...
Billionaire hedge-fund operator George Soros is among wealthy liberal activists who have contributed to the Secretary of State Project, a 527 organization that works to put...
Israeli leaders holed up in a new underground nuclear bunker on Wednesday as part of annual nationwide maneuvers to prepare for a possible missile war with...
Barack Obama is set to reject the advice of the Pentagon by announcing on Wednesday night the withdrawal of up to 30,000 troops from Afghanistan by...
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday joined the Chinese and Russian leaders in a rare encounter at a summit in Kazakhstan, where he launched a new...
Any mention of an Iranian nuclear weapon is taboo in the Islamic Republic, which insists that its nuclear programme is entirely for peaceful, civil purposes. So...
CAIRO – Egypt's official news agency says the long banned Muslim Brotherhood has been recognized as the Freedom and Justice Party. The announcement Tuesday would allow...
The Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) security programme is designed to spot people who are planning to commit a terrorist act. The U.S. government system can...
Egypt permanently reopened its border crossing into Gaza on Saturday, opening the door for Palestinians to the outside world and raising fears among Israelis of an...
Obama knows that in our social-obsessed society that if he cannot control the Internet, and what's posted on there, then ultimately he cannot control his message....
President Obama, or rather a machine impersonating his signature, signed the controversial Patriot Act only minutes before the midnight deadline, extending anti-terrorism measures enacted in the...