For those of you who've long said that you wanted to "live in bible times", your wish is being granted to the Nth degree right here...
End times villains and billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates created a consortium set to buy Mologic, a UK maker of COVID test kits.
The next major emoji update could include a transgender pregnant man, according to a preview of the draft candidates for the next release.
The greatest Christian that ever lived said "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Amen! Is that your testimony today? It sure should be.
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus produced a music video titled “A Message from the Gay Community” in which several dozen men vow: “We’re coming for...
'Sexy Beasts' is a reality dating show from Netflix in which singletons go on dates to meet their soulmate, but as transhumanistic freaks.
Israel has conducted a pilot test of a digital shekel cryptocurrency, Bank of Israel Deputy Governor Andrew Abir said at the Fair Value Forum of IDC.
We are thrilled to tell you that NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard #4 is now up and witnessing to thousands of drivers per day on Rt. 207...
If all goes according to plan, Israel will swear in a new government on Sunday, ending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s record rule.
In an harbinger of the coming Days of Noah, visitor attraction called 'The Giant' will be seen in 20 countries in 2021, Genesis 6 Giants!
Yamina leader Naftali Bennett, Lapid and Ra'am (United Arab List) chairman Mansour Abbas signed an agreement at a meeting on Wednesday night in first coalition deal...
State of Arizona bringing back gas chamber to kill death row inmates with Zyklon-B poison gas used by Nazis in Auschwitz during WWII.
Seeing a blood moon in the night sky during the Church Age has nothing to do with the end times prophecies found in Joel 2 in...
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) acquire, analyze, and translate brain signals into commands that are linked to the devices performing the desired actions. Implantable biometric devices are the...
Violent clashes broke out at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Friday, the last day of Ramadan, as Border Police close Damascus Gate.
Researchers in Germany say the touch of a humanoid robot makes people happier and more likely to follow their requests as cyborgs.
A former Pentagon investigator who claims to have run a hush-hush UFO program has warned that an upcoming blockbuster report about “unidentified aerial phenomena” could reveal a failure...
Street preacher in London arrested by police for preaching from Genesis that there are only two genders in the King James Bible.
Amazon One palm pay rolling out in Seattle at Whole Foods, grooming people to accept the Mark of the Beast when Antichrist shows up.
The UFO sightings come from the Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Report System in Canada where pilots have seen dozens of UFOs in their path.
Ukraine president Zelensky calls on French president Emmanuel Macron to step in and help defuse border crisis with Russia and Putin.
VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World from Global Citizen wants to reunite and vaccinate the entire world, read Revelation lately?
The Russians have begun reconstructing the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that served as a gateway to a major pagan temple to Baal.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday to pull back a military build-up on border with Ukraine.