It has been a nail-biting summer for officials at the top of the French government, Emmanuel Macron gambled on COVID Passports and won big.
Emmanuel Macron and French Constitutional Court move to highly restrict home schooling in France as outraged parents fight back.
France took a big step Monday into a post-pandemic future by requiring people to show a QR code proving they have a COVID vaccine passport.
Citizens of London and France protest against tyranny as CDC withdraws PDC test that cannot tell difference between COVID-19 and the flu.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that venues with large crowds will require patrons to present proof of full vaccination.
2 Million French Citizens Scramble for COVID Vaccine Appointments After Emmanuel Macron Pledges Crackdown on Individual Freedom and Liberty.
French president Emmanuel Macron announced today that he is making the EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate Health Pass mandatory in France.
Cognitive decline Joe Biden wanders off at G7 in Cornwall as nurse Jill rescues Joe after getting lost, with onlookers laughing at him.
Globalist Joe Biden announced at the G7 summit on Saturday a global $40 trillion infrastructure plan to 'Build Back Better for the World.'
Emmanuel Macron is sensationally plotting to drop English from all EU meetings and replace it with French once the country takes control.
European Union unveiled plans Thursday for a 'great reset' digital ID wallet across the 27-nation bloc, part of a post-pandemic COVID recovery strategy.
Ukraine president Zelensky calls on French president Emmanuel Macron to step in and help defuse border crisis with Russia and Putin.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday to pull back a military build-up on border with Ukraine.
"Everyone agreed that we need a digital vaccination certificate," Angela Merkel said. Adding that the digital vaccination certificates could be available by summer.
Emmanuel Macron has a dream of a European Army over a 10-nation confederacy, and that Revelation end times dream is about to come true.
Emmanuel Macron presents 'Global Security' bill to National Assembly in Paris that would create a tyrannical state with himself as dictator.
The parliament in Norway has voted to make it a crime with jail time to criticize the LGBTQ+ community, even if it's only said in private.
If globalist Joe Biden wins, it will greatly accelerate the dream of Emmanuel Macron as the head of a massive European Union Army.
Emmanuel Macron, who is possibly the biblical man of sin, is welcomed as a 'saviour' on the streets of Beirut in Lebanon earlier today.
As Lebanon reeled in shock a day after the massive blast in Beirut and counted the dead, nations around the world promised it would not be...
Emmanuel Macron is quitting and seeking re-election to lead France out of the coming economic slump. Order out of chaos is the motto of the New...
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel have formed a league to operate through a new shared debt instrument known as a 'coronabond' that they are pitching to...
For a man who had aspired to rule like the Roman god Jupiter, the pandemic has left Emmanuel Macron and his vision of a multilateral world...
French President Emmanuel Macron has recently discovered Jewish ancestry, as well as astounding connections to the ancient Assyrian empire. Is this 666?