"The Queen has never set foot in Israel and Prince Charles set foot there briefly only once, for the Rabin funeral," Abrams, a former deputy national...
“We cannot just sit and wait. If we sit and wait it will go on for another 40 years. We have to have action now,” said...
British MPs’ overwhelming 274-12 vote to urge their government to recognize a Palestinian state is no diplomatic earthquake. But it is certainly a tremor — and...
Tens of thousands protested in London Saturday afternoon against Israel’s military operations in Gaza, denouncing Israel as a terrorist state and castigating British Prime Minister David...
Waving placards which read ‘Gaza: End the Siege’ and ‘Freedom for Palestine’, demonstrators chanted and blocked the road as they protested against ‘Israeli aggression’ in the...
Taking to the stage to receive her trophy, Ms Wurst said: “This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom....
Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim...
The Obama administration has removed all operational combat tanks from Europe and key strike aircraft, limiting the options for a show of force to bolster eastern...
The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found.
A United States surveillance drone has been intercepted above the Ukranian region of Crimea, a Russian state arms and technology group said Friday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing to “invade eastern Ukraine” after occupying the country’s Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, Estonia said.
The savings of the European Union's 500 million citizens could be used to fund long-term investments to boost the economy and help plug the gap left...
Take a look at these photos of a bizarre shape hovering in the sky in broad daylight over the lush green fields of a wind farm...
Defendants and witnesses in British courts will no longer swear on the Bible to tell the truth under controversial plans being considered by a powerful body...
A legislative change taking effect in Germany this November allows parents to opt out of determining their baby’s gender. The law is the first of its...
The Queen is expected to be asked to give her approval to the Bill – one of the most radical pieces of social legislation of her...
Germany will not back a Palestinian bid for a diplomatic upgrade at the United Nations, the government spokesman said on Wednesday.
A Muslim leader who said that Israel should have been added to the ”suspect list” for 9/11 was recently selected to represent the United States government...
CRIF said in a statement that "it fears this attack" is connected to the days of violent protests from Asia to Africa against the U.S.-produced film...
Taking into account the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran during the 2012 Summer Games, the Olympic committee in charge of the London event has...
NATO leaders launched Sunday the first phase of a US-led missile shield for Europe, risking the wrath of Russia which has threatened to deploy rockets to...
Right-wing extremists Golden Dawn won 6.9% of the vote and will have 21 seats in Greek Parliament. They want to put foreigners into concentration camps. Yes,...
Senior Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realise their dream of abolishing Britain, we can reveal. "It sounds as if they...
In terms of physical punishment, the book advises that a husband may scold her, “beat by hand or stick,” withhold money from her or “pull (her)...