If you thought Hillary Clinton’s email scandal was just a Hillary scandal, you are wrong. Hillary’s extensive efforts to skirt transparency laws was very much an...
CNN continues to push its fruit-themed “Facts First” ad campaign, but the liberal news network hasn’t updated its “Trump Jobs Tracker” in months, despite an explosion in...
The accusation that a bill designed to remove restrictions and allow the mentally ill to purchase guns was passed by the GOP and signed by President...
Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results. No prominent liberal site receives the same...
The declarations of victory over ISIS played out across Iraq and Syria: the long campaigns to retake city after city from Islamic State had come to...
Fake News CNN has a long and storied history of having the mic go dead in interviews where the CNN narrative is not being advanced.
When Republican Sen. Bob Corker said last week that President Trump hasn’t “been able to demonstrate the stability” needed for success and recommended he “move way beyond himself,” it...
“An article on Tuesday about a sweeping federal climate change report referred incorrectly to the availability of the report,” NYT wrote in its correction.
Shepard Smith is no stranger to challenging the administration and occasionally launching into personal editorials like this one against the president.
CNN anchor Poppy Harlow mistook the Star-Spangled Banner for the French national anthem, while covering President Trump's arrival in the country Thursday.
After the smear of “collusion,” the New York Times must now link every story with the word “Russia” to it in the hopes of tearing down...
On Sunday morning, President Trump tweeted a video showing him punching a man with the CNN logo superimposed on his head during a WWE wrestling match.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper confirmed in his testimony that the '17 intelligence agencies' line was fake news.
The buzz from the telecommunications giant AT&T comes as CNN is being slammed for highly publicized missteps of peddling obviously fake news stories.
Project Veritas has released a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN's Russia narrative.
The very fake news scandal that is engulfing CNN inside and outside the left-wing network now reaches its highest levels as even CNN president Jeff Zucker.
CNN has admitted it printed what President Donald Trump calls 'very fake news' and retracted a demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President
CNN analysts appeared disappointed by the results of the race between Jon Ossoff and Karen Handel before anchor Anderson Cooper cut to a break.
It is time, America, for the Democrats and everyone else who supports the Trump-Russia hoax to produce one, single shred of evidence proving this position.
The first video showed you CNN's fake news broadcast from 1990, and here is one from June of 2017 showing a phony staged group of Muslims.
Remember that time Trump failed to disclose Russian donors to his foundation before he served as Sec of State? Oh no, wait. that was HILLARY CLINTON.
For CNN, the argument that Islam has “always” been present in the U.S. rests largely on the claim that a significant minority of black slaves were...
Aetna Inc. will leave the few remaining states where it had been selling Obamacare plans next year, making it the latest health insurer to pull to...
It was the second deadliest conflict in the world in Mexico last year, but it hardly registered in the headlines of the liberal fake news media.