As a result of these evangelistic outreaches, nearly 1,000 people have prayed to receive Jesus Christ, with a quarter million of free Bibles, New Testaments and...
On Monday we are going to order 800 King James hardcover pew Bibles for Crosswater Church, at a cost of somewhere between $8-10 thousand dollars. Are...
Bibles Behind Bars is a very unique part of our ministry, raised up by God to supply a very specific need for Bibles in these end...
The NTEB Free Bible Program is partnering with Seeds Apparel in Iowa to put Bibles into 100 backpacks for foster care kids at a very critical...
NTEB doesn’t have fancy office buildings, no investment in real estate or crypto, every dollar we get is invested in the harvest of souls that the...
We are supplying King James Bibles all across America to jails, prisons, migrant detention centers and to gospel outreaches wherever they have a need. Chaplain Gary...
Pray the Lord will give them a harvest of souls at the prison, pray for Bro. Spurgeon’s messages, and pray for the inmates who will all...
The Adult Detention Center at the Marion County Community Justice Campus is a 3,039 permanent bed facility. This transformative campus will house a variety of functions...
Bibles Behind Bars is a little more than one year old, and the Lord is already giving us all the fruit we can handle as revival...
We’re sending 1,000 King James Bibles for the Richland Correctional Institution by way of the jail ministry at Wooster Bible Church in Ohio Chaplain Ricardo Miguel...
As we approach 150,000 King James Bibles, New Testaments and scripture portions given out for free, it’s time to double our efforts for the Lord as...
Please pray for all the souls who made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ before getting baptized, as well as the backslidden saved ones who...
Christian teen Baylee Holbrook died in a tragic lightning strike but her death sparked revival at her Palatka High School as hundreds profess faith in Jesus...
Chaplain Marty has devoted his life to ministry behinds bars, and it’s our honor to be asked to assist him in the work God has called...
The King James Bible Baptist Church is located in the heart of New York City, truly the front lines of the end times, and they need...
The ‘beating heart’ of the NTEB Bookstore is our Free Bible & Gospel Tract Program and the life-changing Bibles Behind Bars Located in Saint Augustine, Florida,...
From sending Bibles into high schools to flooding the dark spaces of jails and prisons with the word of God, can you think of any other...
The Leake County Correctional Facility has 450 inmates and no Bibles, who is going to help us to send them? The email we got from Chaplain...
We are praying about moving the Bookstore into a location where we can store 20,000 King James Bibles at a time! Most of you know that...
The Lord has opened the door to supplying missionaries in India with free Bibles in the Telugu, Hindi and Kannada languages Last year, we sent out...
After seeing his original plan fall through, Bro. Micah prayed and the Lord kicked the door wide open for him to get King James Bibles into...
The North Las Vegas Community Correctional Center is a 200 bed jail in the city of North Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, and they need King...
Christian, there is no other program that I know of, anywhere, that is set up to quickly send exclusively King James Bibles, New Testaments and scripture...
“Yesterday we had 141 ICE detainees of which 2 spoke English, I’m the Bible teacher and we had no Spanish Bibles. Can you help us?!?” We...