Two Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputies were shot in the head in an ambush as BLM terrorists shout 'we hope they die!'
Kansas City Chiefs fans booed the reigning Super Bowl champions and the Houston Texans as the two teams lined up for a BLM "moment of unity"...
Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists begin urban assaults in Rochester, New York, breaking into suburban areas and restaurants.
Black Lives Matter terrorists have descended on Washington DC and they immediately began calling for police officers to be killed.
Occupy Wall Street founders Adbusters calling for 50-day White House Siege starting on September 17th, to create a New World Order.
Black Lives Matter has become the new religion, and its leaders want you to bow down at the altar of racial justice, or else.
Democratic VP candidate Kamala Harris has a message for America, she wants you to know the riots are never going to end until they win.
Democratic Rioters staged outside the White House Thursday night placed an effigy of President Donald Trump under a mock guillotine and beheaded him as calls for...
The highly-paid and overly pampered professional athletes of the NBA, the NFL, as well as other sports franchises in America, have been given over to serve...
A motorist was dragged from his car, forced to the ground, and beaten unconscious by Portland Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA rioters on Sunday night, as...
As they turn to burning Bibles, ANTIFA Portland rioters show their true colors of Nazi Fascism, they also set fire to the American flag as people...
The nationwide push led by Black Lives Matter to defund the police is part of a larger radical agenda expressed in the group’s own manifesto which...
Woke Colin Kaepernick is only in it for the money. But you can prove me wrong Colin, just give back the millions and start protesting Nike...
Is ANTIFA planning nationwide civil disturbances on July 4th or is it another Tik-Tok hoax? Better to be prepared, because either way, ANTIFA will be paying...
TV network Fox decided that showcasing a full speech from black supremacist and anti-semite Louis Farrakhan on the 4th of July would be a great idea.
'We were all alone facing an angry mob': Missouri lawyer couple who brandished an AR-15 and handgun at Black Lives Matter terrorists who they say broke...
Nancy Pelosi says there should be a 'review' of statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in support of Black Lives Matter rioters
BLM Anarchist Shaun King Calls For Destruction Of Jesus Christ Statues, Churches: ‘White Supremacy,’ ‘Oppression,’ ‘Racist Propaganda’
The City Commission voted, 3-2, in favor of removing/relocating the Confederate Memorial from the Plaza de la Constitution, said the city of Saint Augustine
Like their Marxist comrades, ANTIFA seeks to destroy the American emphasis on liberty under law and bring revival of one of history’s most repressive ideologies.
Originally calling themselves CHOP, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, ANTIFA forces now call it CHOP, or Capitol Hill Occupied Protests. French Revolution.
ANTIFA forces in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle accost street preacher, mocking and laughing while he cried 'you're choking me!' in CHAZ.
It didn’t take long to reveal the financial ties to current riots showing George Soros and Open Society Foundation directly support Black Lives Matter.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is allowing ANTIFA forces to seize control of a 6 block area in Seattle they call the 'Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone', or...