A human rights group that attracted millions of views on YouTube to testimonies from people who say their families have disappeared in China's Xinjiang region.
After all, Mother Rome brags that she 'never changes', and if that is true, you can expect to see the return of persecution of Christians.
A dementia-addled Joe Biden grimacing and speaking in a tortured whisper nonsense that he is sending out '$1.9 trillion in COVID relief'.
Oman foreign minister Badr al-Busaidi tells Israel it's time to create an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital.
'Sexy Beasts' is a reality dating show from Netflix in which singletons go on dates to meet their soulmate, but as transhumanistic freaks.
As Ezekiel prophecies, the Jews and Israel are 'asleep at the switch' and getting ready to run off the tracks on the End Times Express.
CDC safety group says there’s a likely link between myocarditis heart inflammation in young people under 30 after getting Covid vaccine shot.
As Nancy Pelosi calls for a 'January 6th panel' cities and states run by Democrats across America are exploding in violence.
Archaeological excavations at the Yazılıkaya Rock Temple of the ancient Hittites in Turkey reveal an underworld right below our feet.
Israel has conducted a pilot test of a digital shekel cryptocurrency, Bank of Israel Deputy Governor Andrew Abir said at the Fair Value Forum of IDC.
Facebook warned me that posting verses from the King James Bible violated their Community Standards, and I warn them that Hell awaits.
There is a demonic spirit behind Juneteenth in 2021, and that spirit just this weekend alone saw 5 people shot and killed dozens injured.
Today I want to preach a message on our heavenly Father, and rekindle our relationship with Him as His blood-bought children.
Google was financing EcoHealth Alliance as they were conducting gain of function research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The Biden administration is sharply reducing the number of U.S. THAAD antimissile systems in the Middle East put there to protect Israel.
Illinois father Ty Smith goes viral for speech against critical race theory: 'Bunch of nonsense' and virtue signaling
Liberal comedian Jon Stewart on the Stephen Colbert Show drops huge truth bomb about COVID-19 being leaking from the Wuhan lab in China.
Disney Plus will host a LGBTQ Pride concert aimed at kids and starring drag queen Nina West, with Disney songs re-imagined with LGBTQ themes.
We are looking at the subject of Christian unity within the Christian Church made up of thousands of denominations, is such a thing even possible?
We are thrilled to tell you that NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard #4 is now up and witnessing to thousands of drivers per day on Rt. 207...
Construction work well under way on the Abrahamic Family House, Abu Dhabi's multi-faith place of worship for One World Religion of Chrislam.
Sadly, in Democrat-run San Francisco, if the value of the stolen merchandise doesn’t exceed $950, it’s no longer a felony. Free shoplifting!
Cognitive decline Joe Biden wanders off at G7 in Cornwall as nurse Jill rescues Joe after getting lost, with onlookers laughing at him.
New Hampshire Exeter High school students marked on back of right hand with Sharpie based on vaccine status for their senior prom.