Over the years I have watched street preachers who operate on the extremes, too hard or too soft. I think the gospel 'sweet spot' is somewhere...
The Biden administration is firmly committed to slicing up the sovereign land of Israel to create a Palestinian state on Israeli land, triggering the Joel 3...
Psalms 44-48 show us a beautiful and terrible picture of the coming events in the time of Jacob's trouble, as well as the Marriage of the...
Seeing a blood moon in the night sky during the Church Age has nothing to do with the end times prophecies found in Joel 2 in...
Joe Biden shut down a State Department probe this spring into the origins of COVID-19 in Wuhan China that was launched by the Trump administration.
Grammy-winning vocalist Kevin Max, from Christian band DC Talk revealed over the weekend that he considers himself to be an 'exvangelical' who follows the 'universal christ'.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) acquire, analyze, and translate brain signals into commands that are linked to the devices performing the desired actions. Implantable biometric devices are the...
Pope Francis issued a dire Laudato Si report on the state of the planet Tuesday, as he preached the pagan green gospel of Gaia worship.
The Lord showed up to our NTEB Camp Meeting weekend in a powerful and mighty way, so much so that it will likely take me quite...
The US Navy have detected unexplainable transmedium objects moving at hundreds of knots underwater as Pentagon prepares to release its report on UFO sightings.
Barack Obama said UFOs and aliens exist, that he has 'seen the saucers' and confirmed that 'footage and records' of unidentified objects are real.
It is time for the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore grand opening and the start of our old-fashioned Camp Meeting revival!
Benjamin Netanyahu earlier defied Joe Biden's calls for ceasefire as he vowed to 'continue striking the terrorists' following air strikes last night on 65 Hamas targets inside...
Come to the grand opening of the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore this Friday in Saint Augustine Florida, we would love to meet you!
The Vatican has confirmed that Pope Francis met with the Iranian foreign minister and spoke by telephone with the Turkish president amid the spiral of violence...
The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade, just like B613 from 'Scandal'
Will UFOs and space aliens be the reason that people will use to explain the disappearance of millions of Christians in the Rapture?
The bible shows us Jesus Christ as the direct and visible manifestation of God the Father, not 3 Gods, but one God revealed in body, soul...
This morning I would like to bring you a message on 'the faith' that Paul who is our apostle kept, and how we can follow him...
With talks of a ceasefire continuing to gain momentum, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Hamas that “it’s not over yet” as rockets fired from the Gaza...
“I’m going to have to rewire my self so that when I see somebody out in the world who’s not wearing a mask, I don’t instantly...
As Israel celebrates 73 years of being prophetically regathered, Hamas rockets are flying and the IDF is preparing to invade the Gaza Strip.
Pretend President Joe Biden on Thursday celebrated the federal government’s new guidance on mask-wearing as 'a great milestone', but only if you've been vaccinated.
Emmanuel Macron has spoken Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and will speak soon with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.