The UFO sightings come from the Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Report System in Canada where pilots have seen dozens of UFOs in their path.
Biden secretary of state Blinken says that climate change is the greatest threat to America's national security policy.
Mohammed bin Zayed has played a crucial role in helping Pope Francis to establish Chrislam, and the Trump administration launch the Abraham Accords.
The Los Angeles Unified School District has launched a one-stop shop COVID web app called Daily Pass from Microsoft to grant or deny access.
Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane is an amazing picture of the fulfillment of bible prophecy in a way so stunning many commentators miss it.
Democrat Maxine Waters told Americans to take to the streets unless Derek Chauvin is convicted for murder in the death of George Floyd.
The main theme of the bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is not sin, it's not the cross, and it's not anything other than the revelation of...
Ukraine president Zelensky calls on French president Emmanuel Macron to step in and help defuse border crisis with Russia and Putin.
The NBA and many of its players have struck multimillion-dollar deals with various Chinese companies using cotton raised by Uyghur slave labor.
SMART MARK: Pfizer, big pharma and the Biden administration now say that yearly covid vaccine jabs will be needed to be fully protected.
Biden administration says no charges brought against the man who shot and killed protester Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol back in January.
Tonight we will examine the trials and suffering of Christians and non-Christians from God's perspective as recorded in our King James Bibles.
Iran has 'almost completed preparations' to enrich uranium to 60% after attack on Natanz facility by Israel caused a lot of damage.
VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World from Global Citizen wants to reunite and vaccinate the entire world, read Revelation lately?
The Russians have begun reconstructing the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that served as a gateway to a major pagan temple to Baal.
ZOMBIE PREPAREDNESS: The single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has been paused as they investigate dangerous and fatal blood clots.
The Pentagon has admitted that a US Navy destroyer captured this eerie night-vision footage of mysterious UFOs flying above it.
DARPA is creating a human implantable biometric microchip to battle the COVID virus with stunning Mark of the Beast prototype.
We are looking at the events surrounding the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is thick with types, figures and the fulfillment of...
The World Economic Forum wants you to wear a smart mask that has a microchip and tells you when it's OK to take a breath of...
Paul's letter to the Philippians, one of his 'prison epistles', is a veritable textbook of the attitudes in which we as Christians living in the end...
The COVID vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast, but it is absolutely grooming you to accept that only the government can keep you safe.
Robert Sheffey was a 19-century circuit riding itinerant preacher featured in Christian classic 'Sheffey' from Bob Jones University.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday to pull back a military build-up on border with Ukraine.