You are invited to join us May 21-23 for a 3-day celebration of old-time gospel preaching, and the grand opening of the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore.
Today I would like to bring you a much-needed reminder of the power of the resurrection and the promise of the pretribulation rapture of the Church.
The sovereign state of Facebook? Supreme Court? Did we miss that moment when Facebook became a country and joined the United Nations?
Joe Biden is the first 'president' in American history to call for an economic boycott of a state over legally passed legislation in Georgia.
The WELL Health-Safety Seal is being promoted by far Left Hollywood radicals to extort money from small businesses to 'be safe' after pandemic.
President Reuven Rivlin sent a letter to Pope Francis, wishing him happy holidays ahead of Easter, thanks to the Abraham Accords.
Out of Israel today comes the stunning news that the fate of the next prime minister of the Jewish nation is in the hands of a...
DAY OF WONDERS: Microsoft will deliver to the U.S. Army more than 120,000 devices based on its HoloLens augmented reality headset.
We are looking at the Roman Catholic Holy Week and Easter, comparing it to the scripture found in our King James Holy Bible.
Boston Dynamics is a cutting-edge robotics company that's spent decades behind closed doors making robots that move in ways we've only seen in science fiction films.
Adverse Reaction? Richard Terrell watched his skin peel away from his body after getting Johnson & Johnson's one-dose COVID-19 vaccine jab.
Nike is suing MSCHF Studio for their 'Satan Shoes' promoted by Joel Osteen's good buddy demonic rapper Lil Nas X.
Scientists have long stressed that a global vaccination effort is needed to satisfactorily neutralize the threat of COVID-19.
In addition to a vaccination passport scheme, you can also prepare yourself for the digital dollar and on-demand-biometric identification.
Jesus told Nicodemus one night that he must be born again in order to see the kingdom of God, is that for the Jews or for...
On February 4, the United Nations celebrated the first Chrislam International Day of Human Fraternity and World Interfaith Harmony Week.
The $400 billion dollar agreement between Iran and China called the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will allow Iran to take power.
What are you going through today, and are you able to triumph in Christ? The bible says we absolutely can, and Paul shows us how to...
New York has launched the nation's first-ever vaccine passport, called the Excelsior Pass, so you can prove you've been vaccinated.
Nike and Rapper Lil Nas X have unveiled 'Satan Shoes,' which contain human blood, and will be limited to 666 pairs individually numbered.
Today here in Saint Augustine, FL, an NTEB billboard asking "Are You Ready To Fly?" rises up over the most heavily-trafficked downtown area.
Bloomberg today is calling for a new state of living, one in which we are side by side in a permanent pandemic, that's always been the...
Pope Francis committed blasphemy when he tweeted today that Mary is the "bridge to God", she is certainly not, Jesus Christ is.
The 7 Churches of Revelation are not such a mystery when we look where John looked, and stand where John stood, in the throne room of...