Today I would like to bring you a message on clearing up the spiritual confusion you may be experiencing if you attend an evangelical, Charismatic or...
Cuomo issued the order that sent thousands of COVID-infected elderly back to the nursing homes, they died and then he lied and covered it up.
Pope Francis conducted a Chrislam worship service this morning in Iraq in Ur of the Chaldees never mentioning the name of Jesus Christ.
Vice President Kamala Harris took the reins in a call with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, something that President Biden should have done.
World War III started last year, only it's like nothing you ever expected and it uses weapons that no one but bible believers saw coming.
False Prophet Pope Francis arrived triumphantly in Iraq this morning to visit Ur of the Chaldees and claim father Abraham for Chrislam.
It may sound like the makings of a bad science fiction movie: A company that harvests human tissue to make meat products such as salami. But...
The Lord is really using all of us together to get something done and as I watch the bibles being shipped out around the world, I...
The GayBCs is an alphabet story book aimed at very young, impressionable children that encourages them to become gay or transgender,
Thirty-four cases of pregnant women experiencing spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Microsoft Corp. and Bill Gates have teamed up with the Los Angeles Unified School District to bring students a COVID-19 QR Code “comprehensive system” called 'Daily...
The European Union will introduce legislation to introduce the Digital Green Pass vaccine passport this month, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Monday.
Pope Francis says that the 'mythical flood' of Noah may be repeated due to humanity's 'sin of climate change' ignoring people's personal sins.
In Berlin they are building the House of One Chrislam worship center for the One World Religion of Antichrist which will include atheists.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen just approved America's participation in the coming digital global tax that will herald Antichrist 666.
"Everyone agreed that we need a digital vaccination certificate," Angela Merkel said. Adding that the digital vaccination certificates could be available by summer.
America has become Egypt, Babylon and Sodom all rolled into one, she has been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and her kingdom is finished.
Billionaires like Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett are already jockeying for control of the emerging bitcoin digital currency.
President Joe-Rak O'Biden is bringing back the 'kids in cages' from the Obama years, only it's nothing like 'kids in cages' because, well, they say it's...
American Airlines passenger jet flight 2292 was traveling from Cincinnati to Phoenix at 37,000 feet when it encountered a UFO overhead.
Bring your King James bible and your questions as we open God’s word and spend some time in the scripture of truth. So many of you...
The Equality Act will remove religious protections in America and make your King James Bible a banned book and hate literature.
Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett voted with the liberal justices to deny review of lower court decisions of election and voter fraud.
Emmanuel Macron has a dream of a European Army over a 10-nation confederacy, and that Revelation end times dream is about to come true.