Jesus Christ not only paid for our sins on the cross at Calvary, but He became sin for us in the pit of Hell after He...
Iran vows revenge as they accuse Israel of taking out their top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, President Trump sends bombers to Middle East.
Los Angeles announced a massive, new 21-day COVID-1984 coronavirus lockdown as Pope Francis calls for 'new economic and political system' from Rome.
NTEB passes our all-time traffic record of 15,379,970 views and visits in this crazy and prophetical year of 2020 and the New World Order.
COVID-1984 is the lynch pin that makes the New World Order possible, and the vaccinations will be mandatory as will the digital ID microchip.
Flight #777 has started her engines and the door is closing as we speak. Hurry. The war is real, the battle hot and time is the...
Led By Trump appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Supreme Court Sides with Religious Groups Against New York governor Andrew Cuomo, 5-4
Israeli military preparing for possibility that President Trump will order a strike on Iran should he not be successful in winning reelection
When we return with King Jesus at the Second Coming, the Eastern Gate will open as the sun, moon and stars willingly put their lights out.
UN launches Digital ID wallet with biometric security for United Nations employees that uses blockchain and mobile technology to track you.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill di Blasio have ordered military-style COVID-1984 checkpoints to arrest Thanksgiving coronavirus violators.
We warned you for a decade that the LGBTQ+ was coming for your children, now trans kids are the glittering diamond in their end times crown.
The Matrix system we live in is run by global elites, they hate you, and yes, they are trying to kill you or make you a...
Australian airline Qantas is drawing up plans to make a COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccination mandatory for all passengers traveling internationally.
Doctors now saying that the side effects of the COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccine are so bad it will 'put you down' with horrible symptoms.
George Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a radical, Progressive racist who preaches that America needs to 'repent of its whiteness'.
A delegation representing the National Basketball Players Association met with Pope Francis at the Vatican promoting BLM social justice.
President Trump orders deployment of B-52H Stratofortress Bombers to the Middle East for possible strike on Iran as last gift to Israel.
At virtual G20 Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping wants travelers to adopt a global QR code system as part of the COVID-1984 Great Reset.
Prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, attended a secret meeting with Mike Pompeo and Sheik Mohammed bin Salman on Palestinian state.
The end times 'worship service' will go well past simply worshipping Mother Earth, it will include sexual rituals, drunkenness, and of course, blood sacrifice.
Patricia Chandler in Austin, Texas, volunteered to receive the new COVID-1984 vaccine from Pfizer BioNTech and has grievous sores on her feet
Joe Biden is the hapless husk being used to usher in the real president, Kamala Harris, and the America she will create is dark and terrifying,...
This morning I want to preach you a clear, simple easy to understand but surprisingly hard to implement message on the most disobeyed commandment to the...