Democrats are so desperate that Speaker of the House Democrat 'Crazy' Nancy Pelosi hinted at a plan Thursday to remove President Donald Trump from office using...
Israel and Jordan signed an aviation agreement on Thursday, allowing flights to pass directly over Selah Petra when the Jews flee Antichrist.
The Tides Center is as liberal and politically active as they come, and funnel dark money to Black Lives Matter Global Network and others.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish communities are protesting tonight the unfair treatment by Gov, Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio with COVID lockdowns.
The privileged multi-millionaires of the NFL and NBA thought they were untouchable, but a boycott shows otherwise as ratings are crashing.
In a new encyclical letter titled Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis asserts that the common destination of the earth’s goods “requires that this principle also be applied to nations,...
The detention facilities, which some refer to as 'cages,' were built under the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration back in 2014.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the world Jerusalem “belongs” to Turkey, so I guess this means that he wants it back now?
President Donald Trump supporters have held vigil outside of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda over the weekend.
The apostle Paul shows us 7 Mysteries that no other apostle ever had before Paul showed it to them, and why we are commanded to follow...
Pope Francis demands multilateralism in a new teaching letter, calling for more authority for supranational bodies like the United Nations.
It's called Biological Jihad, and when fully implemented will result in a bloodless takeover of Europe by Muslims and Islam.
The current riots by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter in Portland have reached new levels of violence, and are absolutely getting much worse.
President Trump has been taken on Marine One to the Walter Reed Medical Center in anticipation of this COVID-19 symptoms growing worse.
Two Boeing E-6B Mercury aircraft, also referred to as 'Doomsday Planes', went off both the US coasts for a brief span of time after the news...
President Trump with COVID? How's that for an October Surprise? And there is plenty more end times prophecy news to talk about as well.
The fact that President Trump and the First Lady have just tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus may be the best thing for his campaign.
Critical Race Theory is a theoretical framework, rooted in Marxism, that posits individuals as oppressed or oppressor based on race.
Augmented Reality contact lenses are absolutely here, is it possible that Joe Biden uses them during the debate with President Trump Tuesday?
Tonight we will see exactly how the Abraham Accords leads the Jews right to the heart of the Daniel 9:27 covenant, and uses the Two State...
United Arab Emirates will insist on a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine in order for the Abraham Accords to remain in place.
The runaway favorite for me was when President Trump got Joe Biden to say that the Green New Deal of AOC and radical Left was not...
Debate despite agreeing to proposal just days ago, Joe Biden and his team are now refusing to submit to ear inspection for listening devices.
Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel on Tuesday authorized several telecommunications companies in Israel to start using 5G technology.