Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists on the streets of Louisville shouting' if we don't get it, burn it down!' National Guard called out.
The bible tells us from a dispensational perspective that the ‘law and the prophets’ existed from Moses all the way up to the time of John...
Areas of Louisville, Kentucky have been boarded up as the city prepares for potential riots in response to a grand jury ruling on the killing of...
Tim Tebow Joins AG Barr, Ivanka Trump To Announce $100M in Grants To Combat Human Trafficking And Child Sex Rings Around The World.
On Monday morning, protesters and activists gathered outside the Washington, D.C., home of South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham to “wake him up” with pots and...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic Socialists brigade wants to turn New York City far-left craphole — from the ground up.
When Saul Alinsky wrote 'Rules For Radicals', the radical Left was a fringe group. Today they control Congress and maybe the White House.
The book of the prophet Daniel is an absolute necessity if you are interested in understanding Revelation, it is the key that unlocks it.
A Russian vehicle in Syria sideswiped a light-armored American one, injuring four U.S. troops, while two Russian helicopters flew about 70 feet over top the altercation.
The Lutheran Church of Iceland launched a Sunday School ad with a hideous trans Jesus with bouncing breasts and wearing a dress.
The Pittsburgh Steelers organization made the decision to put the name of Antwon Rose, an accused drive-by shooter, on their players helmets to show solidarity with...
Pope Francis said Wednesday that the earth, sea, and all creatures possess a “mystical capacity” to bring humanity to God and into communion with nature. Remember...
George Orwell warned us in '1984' about the deadly doublespeak of Marxism, and that is what we are seeing now form the radical Left in 2020.
The domestic terrorists in ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter have accomplished one thing: the most costly riots in the history of our country, with over $2...
Pope Francis told a group of parents of LGBTQ+ children yesterday that “God loves your children as they are” and “the church loves your children as...
Fox News cut off former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Wednesday after he brought up the role of billionaire left-wing financier George Soros in...
We are looking at the three Jewish Fall Feast Days, to see if there might be a prophetical connection to current events in 2020.
The Transition Integrity Project is a radical group of over 100 Democrat operatives, funded by George Soros, to remove Donald Trump from office.
This day, Netanyahu said speaking of the Abraham Accord peace treaty signing, “heralds a new dawn of peace.” between Israel and the Muslims.
Israel to Sign Historic Abraham Accord With UAE and Bahrain at White House Tuesday At Noon, the Foundation of the Daniel 9 covenant.
Writer At The Atlantic Says That Republicans Need To Vote For Joe Biden Because Democrats Will Riot, Burn And Loot If Donald Trump Wins Again
All the players gather in Washington to sign the Abraham Accord in what may be the most prophetical week in the crazy end times year of...
You will have Israel and the UAE sign the Abraham Accord, the Feast of Trumpets on the sabbath day and the beginning of a 3 x...
Aria DiMezzo, a “transsexual Satanist anarchist,” has nabbed the Republican nomination in the sheriff’s race of a New Hampshire county while running with the campaign slogan...