Kansas City Chiefs fans booed the reigning Super Bowl champions and the Houston Texans as the two teams lined up for a BLM "moment of unity"...
On Thursday, #CancelNetflix trended on Twitter amid a new wave of calls to boycott the streaming service after a scene from the movie Cuties went viral.
People in the San Francisco Bay Area and across California awoke on Wednesday morning to an eerie scene of darkened, orange-hued skies and ash raining down...
Leaders of 'The Return' are charismatic and evangelicals preaching revival by putting Christians in the time of Jacob's trouble at the Second Coming.
The signing ceremony of the Abraham Accord between Israel and the UAE will take place on September 15th in Washington, the White House says.
Kanye West pretended to walk on water during a dramatic entrance to Sunday Service in Atlanta with televangelist and false teacher Joel Osteen.
Now you can get Laodicean New Age Positive Affirmations at the touch of a button for only $39.99 with your Joel Osteen Inspiration Cube.
United Nations forced to admit that a vaccine funded by Bill Gates has reintroduced polio in Africa where it had been eradicated.
The truly shocking thing is how much progress the Marxist enemy militias of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter have made over the past 4 months.
We are looking in our King James Bibles regarding how the apostles handled persecution in their day, and how we should handle it too in ours,
BLM Rioters In Charlotte NC Target Street Preacher Sam Bethea As He Preaches 'Jesus Saves!' To Crowd Shouting 'F*** Your Jesus!!'
Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists begin urban assaults in Rochester, New York, breaking into suburban areas and restaurants.
Middle East watchdog experts predict that Iran is now just 3.5 months away from not one nuclear bomb but two, with enriched uranium stores.
Black Lives Matter terrorists have descended on Washington DC and they immediately began calling for police officers to be killed.
America is literally burning in nearly every Democratically-controlled major city, and the dead bodies are now starting to pile up.
The Mediterranean is emerging anew as a sea of division and instability, with powers including Russia, China, Turkey and Israel jostling aggressively for influence, natural resources and military advantage.
Abraham Accord Update: Bahrain is set to be the next Gulf country to normalize relations with Israel, a senior Israeli official said today.
Scott Wiener and the California Legislature Passes SB145 Pedophilia Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children.
Pope Francis commands his Catholic followers to engage in Gaia worship of 'mother earth', saying climate change is causing planet to groan.
We are looking at the Matthew 25 Judgement of Nations that Jesus tells us will take place at His coming to establish the Kingdom of Heaven.
The CDC announced today that an order has been given to have Vaccine Distribution Sites open by November 1, Bill Gates and ID2020 up next.
Occupy Wall Street founders Adbusters calling for 50-day White House Siege starting on September 17th, to create a New World Order.
French President Emmanuel Macron planted a cedar in Lebanon today further fulfilling his role as the Assyrian and the man of sin from prophecy
CDC says 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions, producing 9,683 deaths from coronavirus only as fear campaign is revealed.