End times heretic Paula White claims to have recently been transported to the Throne Room of Heaven, where she received a new mantle and anointing from...
The worst desert locust infestation in 70 years is ravaging East Africa, and has now spread to areas of the Middle East and Communist China.
The Star of David on the flag of Israel is from the Bible but not from David, it is the 666 Star of Remphan for the...
Doctors are seeing more young patients like Martin, people in their 20s and 30s with symptoms of acute liver disease related to alcohol consumption.
The big story and the real story of last night's Democratic debate is the fact they still don't have any candidate who can beat Trump in...
Communist Bernie Sanders, though he's biologically Jewish, is in fact an anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian candidate who will give Jerusalem away.
President Donald Trump is on track to build more than 450 miles of a border wall along the southern border within the year, keeping campaign promise.
John MacArthur, from Grace To You ministries, says that God will forgive a person in the Tribulation who takes the Mark of the Beast, but he's...
So what are we to make of the current spate of earthquakes, plagues, pestilence and famine, are we experiencing the prophecies from the book of Revelation?
An Israeli group is planning to hold the Dead Sea Burn, a Burning Man style pagan event, by the Dead Sea where God destroyed Sodom and...
Communist Bernie Sanders surging to a double-digit lead over his Democratic rivals with Mini Mike Bloomberg buying into Wednesday’s debate in Nevada.
Marvel Comics is promoting its first man-on-man gay kiss, which will be featured in The Eternals, which hits theaters on November 20.
Kanye West and his Sunday Service road show preaches a false gospel at the 2020 NBA All-Star game in Chicago, this is the Laodicean church of...
The ancient city of Tel Moza, or Mozah, was found outside Jerusalem in 2012, and here in 2020 the discovery of a temple has shocked biblical...
End Times armies of locusts numbering in the billions are absolutely ravaging large portions of eastern Africa and vast stretches of the Middle East.
Billionaire Mike Bloomberg is toying with the idea of picking Crooked Hillary Clinton as his running mate., as revealed in a Drudge Report exclusive report.
Syrian air defenses downed several missiles coming across the Golan Heights in Israel before they hit Iranian depot targets in the capital Damascus.
Pope Francis has published his long-awaited text on the Amazon, Querida Amazonia, showing him combining Catholicism, Chrislam and pagan Gaia earth worship.
Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets Tuesday to protest President Donald Trump’s recently unveiled peace plan amid a failed bid by the Palestinians to pass a UN resolution opposing...
Fitbit female health tracker app under fire from transgender LGBTQ crazies for not including non-women who menstruate in their wellness software.
Joe Biden came in 5th place last night behind Indian Elizabeth Warren, gay mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Communist Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire last night.
Roman Catholic priest sparks outrage for saying 'pedophilia doesn't kill anyone, abortion does' after he banned 44 politicians from receiving communion because they are pro-choice.
Greta Thunberg is the 16-year-old schoolgirl who became a Climate Change icon on her way to also becoming a multi-million dollar brand called Greta, INC.
Democratic candidate for president Joe Biden in New Hampshire on Sunday called female voter a 'lying, dog-faced pony soldier' sparking dementia concerns.