Creepy Joe Biden called 63,000,000 Donald Trump voters the “dregs of society” during an impassioned speech at an LGBTQ+P for Pedophile charity event.
Charismatic pastor and false teacher Perry Stone seen checking his phone while pretending to speak in tongues in counterfeit of the gifts of the Spirit.
There are so many homeless camps, Los Angeles area leaders want Gpv. Gavin Newsom to issue a state of emergency in California to try and stop...
In his new book 'Caesar's Messiah' bible scholar Joseph Atwill exposes Jesus Christ as a hoax created by the Romans to keep the Jews in Palestine...
Matt Brown, founding and lead pastor of Sandals Church in Riverside, California, recently defended why he uses the pagan Enneagram as a tool in his sermons.
The Disclosure of Urgent Concern was revised so the Ukraine Whistleblower could fire a complaint based on conjecture and hearsay against President Trump.
Democrats in Congress have decided that only by impeachment, only by declaring a new civil war against the 63 million Trump voters, can they win in...
Amid escalating fears that the Joaquin Phoenix-led 'Joker' flick could incite deranged loners, veteran producer Michael Uslan defended his mass killer movie
Why are the Democrats rushing so fast to try and impeach President Trump? Because of a single word in the Ukraine transcripts - CrowdStrike.
Mattel launched the world's-first gender neutral doll for children, designed to indoctrinate them into the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile transgender lifestyle.
President Reuven Rivlin formally gave Benjamin Netanyahu four weeks to form the new government in Israel after incredibly contention series of elections.
White House Transcript of phone call between President Trump and with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump's approval rating hits 2.5 year high.
On Tuesday evening Nancy Pelosi made one of the most colossal blunders in the modern history of American electoral politics by agreeing to start impeachment hearings...
Impeachment proceedings on President Trump come as Democrats are heading into a closed-door meeting with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Burisma Holdings and Ukraine.
Facebook Inc. agreed to acquire CTRL-Labs, a technology startup that is building software to let people control a digital avatar using only their thoughts.
“The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government they come from God,” President Donald Trump said at the...
“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. How dare you!” Great Thunberg at UN
The United Arab Emirates is building a Chrislam interfaith compound that combines a mosque and church and set to open in 2022.
Iran warns America to “stay away” from the region, as Tehran paraded long-range Khordad-3 air defense missile system capable of reaching American bases.
Pressure is mounting on Sen. Bernie Sanders to cut ties with longtime campaign surrogate Linda Sarsour, citing her long history of anti-Semitic comments.
Although LGBTQ protests against Chick-fil-A have popped up on campuses and in cities around the country this year, the chain has more than doubled its sales
Women will now be able to go topless in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming because of the decision to free the nipple.
Students at Union Theological Seminary prayed to a display of plants set up in chapel of the school to confess their 'climate sins' to their leafy...
Kanye West confirms release date for his highly anticipated album titled “Jesus Is King” and it will be in time for the Feast Of Trumpets on...