Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria were among a number of celebrities, including drag queens, actors and music industry personalities, who attended the “SiriusXM and Pandora...
A man at Mount Auburn Presbyterian church in Ohio dressed as a drag queen read a book in scheduled children's time during Sunday, June 16 worship...
Google executive Jen Gennai was caught on hidden cam revealing secret plans by the search engine giant to 'stop Trump' in the upcoming 2020 elections.
The massive LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Pride flag staircase at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms State Park is the largest the city has ever seen.
Twenty Democratic 2020 presidential candidates attending a Planned Parenthood forum on Saturday vowed to vigorously defend abortion rights at all times.
The 'Peace To Prosperity' Middle East peace plan by Jared Kushner seems to be little more than giving the Palestinians an obscene amount of money, or...
Pope Francis has issued a call for reform within the way theology is taught in Catholic schools, to now include the teaching of Islam as A...
President Trump said he called off retaliatory strikes on 3 Iran sites after the downing of U.S. Navy drone because the action would not have been...
A Satanic Temple member who won the right to open a regional Alaska government meeting declared 'Hail Satan' during her first invocation, prompting about a dozen...
Today, Mastercard is introducing the True Name credit card for LGBTQ+ people who want to stop using their deadname their parents gave them.
President Trump says Iran has ‘made a very big mistake’ after shooting down US drone as Putin in Russia warns war would be ‘catastrophic’ in the...
Iran warns ‘it’s ready for war’ after shooting down US drone as Middle East tensions rise in clearest signal yet that the two nations are about...
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 (ACR 99) calls on pastors to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual behavior.
Israel holds massive military exercises amid tensions between the United States and Iran increase, Netanyahu says the IDF has massive destructive power.
A Baptist pastor was arrested on Saturday in Spokane, WA, as armed officers and rooftop snipers protected Drag Queen Story Hour at the Public Library.
Teen Vogue magazine is under fire yet again, this time for publishing an article promoting prostitution and sex workers to teenage girls.
Evidence is mounting that the Kremlin in Russia succeeded in infiltrating the US government at the highest levels while Barack Obama was president.
The United States is sending 1,000 additional troops to the Middle East, amid rising tensions between the U.S. and Iran, leading to World War Three?
The “My Little Pony” franchise is selling more than plastic toys to kids. They are introducing a lesbian couple to groom little girls to LGBTQ+ Movement.
Social media giant Facebook is expected to reveal its new digital cryptocurrency Libra next week, backed by Visa, Mastercard, Uber, and others.
NTEB is already being censored, our publishing reach being limited, and our profiles being suspended or permanently removed In case you haven’t noticed, nearly 50% of...
Pope Francis demands that the world's energy elites meet in Vatican City as he tells them there must be a global-carbon tax to stop climate change.
Pictures show a huge fireball raging on a US-linked oil tanker after it was reportedly struck by a torpedo in the Gulf of Oman today. Iran...
People keep dying under mysterious circumstances in the Dominican Republic and people are starting to wonder if witchcraft and voodoo are the cause of it.