Both Google and Facebook suffered outages Wednesday, with both of them denying that it was a DDoS attack though refused to say exactly what caused it.
Lebanon High School student says she received a day of in-school suspension after she hung Bible verses on walls and lockers in response to LGBTQP pride flags...
Huawei Technologies in China is beating America to the punch in the battle for who will control the massive undersea global Internet data grid.
The US Department of Homeland Security is installing full facial recognition systems in America's Top 20 airports, this is the Mark of the Beast system.
The Girl Scouts have long denied a connection between their organization and Planned Parenthood, but the evidence is piling up that this is not the case.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an interview that she opposes moving to impeach President Trump even though she believes he is “unfit” for office
On this second episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking in the Old and New Testaments at examples of what rightly dividing is, and why...
Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church and Prophet President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met today at the...
Move over, Saudi Arabia. America is about to steal the kingdom's energy exporting crown in exports of oil, natural gas liquids, petroleum products, and gasoline.
Talking gargoyle shocks travelers at Denver International Airport, and what does he talk about? Conspiracy theories and those disgusting NWO murals.
Cash has virtually disappeared in oil-rich Venezuela as the deadly effects of Socialism are seen in the collapse of this once-properous nation. Bernie 2020!
Social media giant Facebook says it will remove anti-vaxxer groups and pages that spread 'misinformation' about vaccinations on its site.
Ancient Japanese Shrine To Debut A Buddhist Robot Named Mindar, modelled after Kannon the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy In Kyoto, Japan
Former President Barack Obama said Monday that hope is possible for the future if the next generation of leaders is modeled after himself and former first...
Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar is catching flak on Twitter yet again for suggesting that US politicians were being forced to “pledge allegiance” to Israel, causing Nancy...
Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to save the planet with her Green New Deal, but she keeps tripping over her own giant carbon footprint.
In 2008, God began to judge America for her sins by placing Barack Hussein Obama in office. In 2016, God made Donald Trump president to judge...
The Department of Health and Human Services says it has granted a second 90-day extension to a contract it has with the University of California at...
IDF aircraft struck multiple Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip in response to the launching of explosive balloons towards Israel Saturday night.
Carnival celebrations making the start of the Roman Catholic observance of Lent began across Brazil last night, with revellers swarming in a sea of paganism
Justin Trudeau's Canada is now instituting pre-crime prevention, like from the movie 'Minority Report'. We are watching the Mark of the Beast System forming
Four additional staffers at Radio and TV Marti have been fired over a controversial report broadcast last year that referred to Jewish philanthropist George Soros as...
A mural that depicts a Grim Reaper wearing a cloak covered with Stars of David, holding what appears to be a dead baby and a missile,...
Israel Attorney-General Avihai Mandelblit announced on Thursday his intention to indict PM Benjamin Netanyahu on multiple charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery.