Emergency services bravely tried to rescue a festival-goer who ran straight into the Burning Man during Nevada's famous arts and music festival.
North Korea said it conducted a sixth and bigger nuclear test Sunday, stepping up pressure on President Donald Trump in this rapidly growing crisis.
I, PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, do hereby proclaim September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey and recovery efforts.
Fake News CNN has a long and storied history of having the mic go dead in interviews where the CNN narrative is not being advanced.
Google is demonetizing Conservative websites by restricting AdSense and demonetizing YouTube videos that promote a Conservative and/or Christian worldview.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has declared three of America’s largest Army bases Confederate monuments “with the potential to unleash more turmoil.
Pope Francis, who has a strong belief in the science of climate change, called upon world leaders on Wednesday to "listen to the cry of the Earth"
Jeff Sessions formally announced that the Trump administration will restart giving surplus military weapons and equipment to state and local police forces.
Televangelist Joel Osteen canceled services at his Houston megachurch Sunday and has yet to reopen its doors despite thousands of desperate people in need.
Of the dozens of organizations that turned out for Sunday’s mass protest against racism here, one group, ANTIFA, was impossible to miss.
The Honourable Ahmed Hussen today announced that the Government of Canada will be working to implement an “X” gender designation in Canadian passports.
A bill that will allow homes to be searched without a warrant was passed with overwhelming support by the US Congress and signed into law by...
Neuralink Corp., has taken steps to sell as much as $100 million in stock to fund the development of technology that connects human brains with computers.
As Hurricane Harvey continues to gather strength and approach Texas, the hurricane is poised to stall and unleash life-threatening and disastrous flooding.
An armed ANTIFA group is launching a new cell in Philadelphia, with support from the “alt-left” alternative media, calling for new violence against police.
Organizers of the Burning Man festival have begun setting up shop with massive art installations as they prepare for tens of thousands in the Nevada desert.
When Republican Sen. Bob Corker said last week that President Trump hasn’t “been able to demonstrate the stability” needed for success and recommended he “move way beyond himself,” it...
Racism in America is not only alive and well, for Liberals it's big business. If the Alt-Left didn't play the race card, they would have no...
The Southern Poverty Law Center in just the past few days has received millions from Apple, and one million from Hollywood actor George Clooney.
The big question is whether there will be more supporters of Trump inside the Phoenix Convention Center, which holds 29,000, or alt-left protestors outside.
Pope Francis demanded governments welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, said Jesus’ message of love is rooted in welcoming “rejected strangers.”
When I showed her the new NTEB Recording Studio we are building, her interest was piqued and asked me if I would like to be interviewed...
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church could absolutely happen today, but if it did it would not be connected to the solar eclipse according to the...
You can safely say that both the black Colin Kaepernick and the white Tim Tebow were given a fair and equal shot in the NFL.