Fired FBI Director James Comey in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee to testify confessed that he, in fact, was the leaker.
An estimated 832 deaths and 912 injuries from 60 attacks that have taken place across about 19 countries during the first 12 days of Ramadan 2017.
The feverish atmosphere ahead of the former FBI director’s appearance is unlike anything seen in Washington in decades. James Comey.
The 'Perfect Man' billboard on the east side of Indianapolis is catching the eyes of drivers, along with the ire of local Muslim groups.
The first video showed you CNN's fake news broadcast from 1990, and here is one from June of 2017 showing a phony staged group of Muslims.
Bill 89, “Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017,” was approved on June 1 by a vote of 63 to 23 in the Ontario province of...
Sources from inside the Pentagon have confirmed to us that all those rooms where the Pentagon was hit were cleaned out 24 hours before the explosion.
Over 100 Muslims commandeered the sidewalks in front of Trump Tower yesterday, led by Linda Sarsour, a women who has openly called for Sharia Law in...
Thanks in large part to his successful foray into authorship, Sen. Bernie Sanders made more than $1 million in 2016 while preaching Socialism.
In the early morning of June 5, Israel launched a preemptive aerial strike on Egyptian air force bases in response to Egypt’s ongoing provocations.
Up to 20 people are feared to be injured after a van reportedly plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge in a suspect Islamic terrorist attack.
The context of 2 Thessalonians 2, taken as it is written, is the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which leads to the Antichrist coming to power.
Kathy Griffin said the widespread backlash she has faced over the photo is part of a sexist campaign to destroy her career.
Remember that time Trump failed to disclose Russian donors to his foundation before he served as Sec of State? Oh no, wait. that was HILLARY CLINTON.
Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer called President Trump a traitor if he makes good on his promise and exits the Paris climate change agreement.
President Donald Trump has decided not to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem for the foreseeable future, and perhaps for good.
Hillary Clinton launched an all-out assault on Donald Trump Wednesday, claiming he must have 'guided' Russian efforts to keep her out of the White House.
President Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that Kathy Griffin “should be ashamed of herself” and that her photo had been difficult for his children.
Russia has launched five successful flights of a hypersonic jet that is capable of destroying an aircraft carrier with a single impact.
Liberal Hate-Baiter Kathy Griffin Channels Her Inner ISIS And Does 'Comedy' With Bloody Severed Trump Head
Sources told The Jerusalem Post that either President Donald Trump or Vice President Mike Pence will participate in the event on Capitol Hill.
For CNN, the argument that Islam has “always” been present in the U.S. rests largely on the claim that a significant minority of black slaves were...
Going 6,000 years back into the past, God has placed a wonderful and amazing type of the New Testament Church in the creation of Adam and...
The United States is sending a third aircraft carrier strike force to the western Pacific region in an apparent warning to North Korea.