At least 20 people were killed and possibly hundreds of others were injured Monday night at an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena in England.
Donald Trump finds himself in Israel on the 50th anniversary of the day that Israel regained control of Jerusalem, and what will he do?
Apparently, Obama has decided to demonstrate humanity’s contribution to climate change by making his own carbon footprint as big as possible.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stated his belief that the world is in need of a 'global superstructure' in a recent article from New York Times Magazine.
President Trump's flight from Riyadh to Tel Aviv on Monday was believed to be the first direct flight between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
The animal rights group PETA tied Ringling's demise to its long-standing resistance to demands that it stop using animals
In a final act of defiance, Judas the devil goes out and hangs himself on a tree in the "potters field", or the "field of blood",...
Senators are trying to push the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv
All eyes were on President Trump today as he arrived in the country for his first foreign trip and greeting King Salman.
European Union leaders plan to move forward with the creation of an EU military headquarters in Brussels within the next few days.
The Muslim hosts mention being thrilled that so many have come out to “meet your Muslim neighbors” because “I know, want to learn more about our...
A group of business students have created the RompHim - touted as the male version of the romper - in the hope that it will spark...
The absence of a firm decision as to whether he will move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as promised, causes drop...
A mysterious object appeared to have hovered past the International Space Station, according to new video footage from UFO researchers SecureTeam 10.
The Obama presidency was marred with numerous impeachment scandals that would be blared on the news 24/7 if he were a Republican.
Democratic strategists are racing to figure out whether it’s politically wise to call for President Donald Trump’s impeachment.
“We’ve seen this movie before,” John McCain told CBS News’s Bob Schieffer. “I think it’s reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale.."
The really alarming news is that the duly-elected President of the United States, President Donald Trump, appears to be the target of a political coup.
"It's open faith; we're brothers," Ali Mohammad, an organizer of the mosque, tells North Carolina's News & Observer.
It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital.
Now you know who the woman is. It's the nation of Israel. What part of Revelation 12 is the Church involved with? None of it.
Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton officially launched a new organization on Monday, 'Onward Together'
North Korea’s launch on Sunday of its most-sophisticated missile yet offered new clues into how serious the country is in its nuclear ambitions
On May 14, 1948, U.S. President Harry Truman recognized the newly-declared State of Israel — over the vehement objections of the State Department.