Some time after the attacks, George Bush was asked about the events of that day by a school kid, and he gave an answer that was...
The vice president Mike Pence broke a tie on a Senate vote to overturn a regulation that protects the Planned Parenthood clinics
Their crime was appearing on Fox TV’s Tucker Carlson Show to voice concerns about Islamic indoctrination of Chatham Middle School seventh graders.
Feminists in Stockholm are leaving areas like the notorious migrant-heavy no-go zones of Husby and Tensta because Islamic fundamentalists now rule there.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he expected to sign off on Thursday on building the first new settlement in the occupied West Bank.
Prepare For Millions Of Jobs To Disappear Overnight Once Driverless Car And Robot & Drone Technology Perfected
Dressed Like The Joker, A Defiant Hillary Clinton Takes The Stage Telling People To "Resist" President Trump
The architects of the World Trade Center, designed them to be able to handle the planes hitting like a "pencil hitting mosquito netting".
15 Years After 9/11, It Has Become Obvious That Boeing 757 from American Airlines Flight 77 Never Hit The Pentagon building. So what did?
Biological males are joining women’s teams, smashing records and dominating in sports such as weightlifting, softball, basketball and mixed martial arts.
The Canadian House of Commons has passed motion M103 which singles out the criticism of Islam as a form of “Islamophobia”.
On Saturday, March 24th, 2012, I followed the Lord's call on my life to preach the gospel on the streets of Saint Augustine, Florida.
The world "cries out for American and European leadership" through the EU and Nato, US senator John McCain said on Friday
House Republicans are also questioning whether Paul Ryan can remain as Speaker after this abysmal failure on healthcare bill.
Two illegal aliens, identified as Henry Sanchez, 18, of Guatemala and Jose Montano, 17, of El Salvador, are accused of raping 14 year old girl.
George Soros Has Infiltrated The Southern Baptist Convention And Suing To Build A Mosque In NJ
FBI director James Comey said Russia's cyber intruders were "unusually loud," as though they "wanted us to see what they were doing."
UK Parliament In Code Red Lockdown As Muslim Terror Attackers Mows Down Crowd With Car, Stabs Police
Despot of North Korea Kim Jong-un suffered stage fright when his latest missile test exploded just seconds after launching.
The Song of Solomon in chapter 2 contains an amazing Springtime picture of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ, so Happy Spring!
The Syrian Army says Israeli military jets hit a “military target” near Palmyra in a raid overnight. In retaliation IDF jets were targeted.
McDonald's in a tweet on its corporate account called President Trump "a disgusting excuse of a President" on Thursday morning.
Barack Obama is turning his new home into the ant-Trump Shadow Government headquarters, and Valerie Jarrett is moving in with him.
A transgender dad and daughter from Detroit are revealing their incredible journeys as they transition from mom and son.