Israel's Cormorant 'Flying Car' Fully Autonomous Passenger Drone Moves Closer To Delivery, previously called the 'Air Mule'.
Ford is canceling plans to build a new plant in Mexico. It will invest $700 million in Michigan instead, creating 700 new U.S. jobs.
The first reprint of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' in Germany since World War II has proved a surprise bestseller, heading for its sixth print run.
Obama’s close friend and longtime adviser Valerie Jarrett said, “The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal.”
These Vivos Group Doomsday Shelters For The 1% Make Up The Largest Private Bunker Community On Earth.
GOP lawmakers plan to open the 115th Congress on Tuesday and immediately take steps to repeal Obama's health care law.
A derivative of the name Palestine first appears in Greek literature in the 5th Century BC when the historian Herodotus called the area "Palaistinē".
It is important to note that this list of armed citizens using guns for self-defense could have been many, many times longer.
The Paris Middle East Peace conference is expected to call on all sides to establish a Palestinian state within the so-called 1967 borders.
Obama has expelled 35 Russian diplomats and closed two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland as tensions increase.
Kerry’s proposal is a total betrayal of Obama’s 2008 campaign promise “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,”
Obama flunkie John Kerry gave an inflammatory speech this morning where he called for an "end of the Israeli occupation" of Palestine.
Clear biometric readers to start tracking fan activity and attendance at major league sporting events at airports around the country.
Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.
Will one of Obama’s final acts be to pardon Hillary Clinton for any violations of federal law she might have committed while she was secretary of...
Israel’s government said Monday that it would move ahead with thousands of new homes in East Jerusalem, declaring that Israel does not “turn the other cheek.”
The chief of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon will be front and center as America rings in the new year, controlling the Times Square New Year's...
We respectfully say to Prime Minister Netanyahu that he should completely withdraw the idea of any two state solution from off the table.
With little fanfare and no press to record it, Obama signed the 'Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act' which will ultimately make alternative news illegal.
The red-hot hatred that Obama possesses for God's people the Jews and for God's land of Israel flows from the very depths of Hell itself.
News headlines, both liberal and conservative, are proclaiming that a 'global shaking' has come upon the world affecting the governments in every nation.
The German government trying to hold Merkel in power is seeking to create a center of defense against disinformation to try and stop fake news.
President-elect Donald Trump slammed the Obama administration for its decision not to veto a U.N. resolution critical of Israel's settlements.
The Obama administration secretly worked with the Palestinian Authority to craft a “shameful” United Nations resolution behind Israel’s back.