Sixty percent of voters view Hillary Clinton unfavorably, according to a ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday morning.
Listen to me, America, the time is growing ever shorter. The global shaking is coming whether you are ready for it or not.
Today we are finding out that the folder Huma Abedin kept those incriminating Crooked Hillary emails in was called 'Life Insurance'.
Since Crooked Hillary has no idea what the FBI actually found, her gambit is every bit as bold, and reckless, as was her husband's decades earlier.
This woman, obviously a Crooked Hillary supporter, stopped to watch a meeting of the St. Augustine Tea Party on the street corner.
Donald Trump is now at 45 percent with likely voters, up seven points from his low of 38 percent earlier in the month.
'Look at illegal immigrants voting all over the country,' Donald Trump said in a Fox News interview, part of his ongoing effort to cast doubt on...
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is declining to comply with an investigation by Congress about the Obama administration’s secret Iran ransom payment.
Shocking audiotape emerges today showing Sen. Hillary Clinton talking about want to rig the elections in Palestine in order to ensure the "right result".
The FBI will investigate whether additional classified material is contained in emails sent using Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Any one who pulls the lever for Crooked Hillary Clinton takes responsibility for setting up the nation for all the blatant corruption that will follow.
Donald Trump addressed the crowd of several hundred Israelis via a one minute pre-recorded video message and vowed to make Israel and America safe again.
False teacher Beth Moore is throwing her weight behind a woman who is aggressively in favor of late term partial-birth abortion, Crooked Hillary Clinton.
It’s called CLEAR, it looks a lot like the Mark of the Beast system, and it’s now in operation at the airport’s McNamara Airport Terminal.
Crooked Hillary Clinton Rally in Coconut Creek, Florida using green screen technology to fill in missing people.
Donald Trump has 45 percent to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s 43 percent among likely voters in Florida, a Bloomberg Politics poll shows.
Latino Protesters Scream At Crooked Hillary 'You Killed Berta Cáceres' By Legitimizing 2009 Honduran Coup
Russia has unveiled chilling pictures of its largest ever nuclear missile, the RS-28 Sarmat capable of destroying an area the size of France.
The Tim Kaine rally had about 50 folding chairs set up for people to sit in, and about 30 people not part of the campaign or...
Jack Chick, beloved California-based evangelist who used comic books to spread the gospel, died Sunday at the age of 92.
Immediately after finishing the rally in St. Augustine, Donald Trump got on a plane and went to Tampa to do another rally.
Project Veritas Action has released the third video in a multi-part series that is sending shockwaves through the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
Rachel Casey is a 29-year-old woman and Donald Trump supporter who was violently attacked by progressive Hillary protesters.
George Soros has proved that with the vast resources of money at his command he has the ability to make the once unthinkable acceptable.