Ford chairman Bill Ford personally called president-elect Trump to congratulate him on his win, and to say that Ford will not be moving.
Daily News or other liberal news outlets report steep decline in circulation.
President Obama has just set a new record for rules and regulations with his administration spitting out 527 pages worth in just one day.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office.
Oil explorers have been flocking to the Permian Basin in West Texas and New Mexico to tap deposits so rich that they can generate profits even...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he is looking forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump on “the twin interests of peace and security.”
Obama with Alexis Tsipras warned Tuesday that Americans and people around the world "are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort...
When Hitler's henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros volunteered to help.
Obama scolded his Republican successor for believing he can deliver on his campaign promises. 'I think that he successfully mobilized a big chunk of the country...
Twitter allowed the violent threat “Rape Melania” against incoming First Lady Melania Trump to trend after the site exploded with assassination threats against President-elect Donald Trump.
The Palestinian ambassador to the UN on Friday warned President-elect Donald Trump about his promise to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Video reveals that the "spontaneous" anti-Trump protesters are actually paid agitators bused in courtesy of the George Soros machine.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the not just the amazing victory of Donald Trump, but what it will mean from a prophetic...
These anti-Trump protesters that are clogging city streets at this very moment hate America, hate what this nation stands for, and seek to destroy it and...
New York Post columnist and former Times reporter Michael Goodwin wrote, "because it the New York Times demonized Trump from start to finish, it failed to...
A petition on calling for the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton as President has earned over half of the signatures needed for it to...
Is the Clinton political dynasty dead? Sources tell us that it is far from over. Chelsea Clinton is being groomed for the New York seat held...
The Bush Crime Family will not be welcome in the new America under President Donald Trump. You're out, stay out.
Both Mexico And Canada Say They're Willing To Redo NAFTA With President Trump when he takes office in January.
As Donald Trump totally destroyed the Hillary Clinton political machine, George Soros radical pro-amnesty liberals started riots in California.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose to an all-time high as U.S. stocks added to a rally sparked by speculation Donald Trump’s policies will benefit businesses
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Moscow is ready to contribute to rebuilding relations with the United States with Donald Trump as president.
Politicians from Netanyahu's Likud party called for Trump to follow through on his promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Dozens of celebrities vowed to leave the country if Donald Trump won the White House, saying they’d flee to everywhere from Canada to Jupiter.