The number of French Jews immigrating to Israel rose from 1,900 in 2011 to nearly 8,000 last year.
A student-sponsored referendum to provide free tampons and pads in all Cornell bathrooms has passed, with 78.6% of 3,034 voting students casting a ballot in favor.
An overwhelming majority in Congress on Wednesday overturned President Obama’s veto of the 9/11 Victim's Bill.
Man of God Tim Tebow stepped up to the plate and blasted a home run to the delighted cheers of fans and teammates alike.
Donald Trump was welcomed by tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters to a Melbourne Florida airplane hangar.
On Friday September 30, a rare Black Moon will occur right before the Jewish Feast of Trumpets, which many are linking to the apocalypse.
The Obama White House has barred Pentagon leaders from a key talking point when it comes to publicly describing the military challenges posed by China.
A hidden microphone system would go a long way to explaining Hillary's very robotic answers at last night's presidential debate.
The incredible moment an Oklahoma police officer rescued a man from two raging pit bulls after pulling him onto the hood of a patrol car.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump faced off for the first time on Monday in a high stakes presidential debate.
Online retailer Amazon has stepped in to ‘fix’ the scathing reviews given by its customers of Hillary Clinton’s campaign book, Stronger Together.
The anticipation for Monday night’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has reached a fever pitch.
Hillary Clinton was unaware that she was being filmed yesterday. What is captured on video is astonishing.
Under a Trump administration, the U.S. will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
We look at the 7 hidden things contained in Matthew 24 that no one ever told you about the Second Advent and the end of the...
As my dad would say, George Bush was "sending a message" during this photo op. And that message is "I'm With Her".
A Catholic child saint Santa Inocencia that was stabbed to death by her father 300 years ago appears to blink at a tourist in a terrifying...
President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.
An 'After School Satan Club' proposed by the Satanic Temple of Seattle to be held at Centennial Elementary School should be allowed to proceed.
Shrillary Clinton has spent several times what Donald Trump has spent to air television ads in key states.
Using something called 'virtual unwrapping' scientists are now able to read the charred remains of the En-Gedi scroll of Leviticus.
World leaders at the United Nations took stock of what a dramatic shift a Trump presidency would mean for American leadership.
Protests turned violent for a second night in Charlotte after Tuesday’s fatal police shooting of a black man.
Hillary Clinton asks why she isn’t beating Donald Trump by 50 points in the current campaign.