Among the five suspects now in Dallas Police custody are self described 'Islamic Americans' who attended a Nation of Islam mosque in the South Dallas area.
In 2016, far-Left Democrat activist group, funded by George Soros' millions, are conducting a reign of terror that is rapidly becoming unprecedented in America.
Three officers shot dead at Black Lives Matter rally, and at least seven others are injured in downtown Dallas Thursday, Dallas Police Chief David Brown says.
The Ark Encounter welcomed more than 4,000 visitors by mid-afternoon Thursday, its first day open to the public, and officials expected many more before the ark...
The State Department is reopening an internal investigation of possible mishandling of classified information by Crooked Hillary Clinton and top aides.
A new burka ban has been enforced in a Swiss canton, with two people already being fined for defying it.
FBI Director James Comey confirmed on Thursday that Crooked Hillary Clinton's statements and explanations about her email server were all lies.
House Republicans came face-to-face Thursday morning for the first time with Donald Trump.
The just-released children's book 'It's Ramadan, Curious George' celebrates the Muslim holiday, teaching kids about the sacred month.
Bill O'Reilly shared photos of Barack Obama in traditional Islamic dress on his program Wednesday night
America has fallen, and is run by a corrupt, rigged system staffed with pay-for-play career political criminals.
New Jersey teenager Kinsey Ratzman comes out as gay to family, parents throw her surprise rainbow Pride party
The US Department of Defense is using an animated online course about a zombie apocalypse pandemic.
Obama turned into a stuttering mess again yesterday while talking about Donald Trump at his rally with Hillary Clinton.
Mormon Church Releases First Photos Of The Stone Joseph Smith Used To Translate The Book Of Mormon
If you might be tempted to think that Crooked Hillary would be just a little humbled after evading justice today for her private email server scam,...
Many Christians and non-Christians know very little about what Mohammed, Islam and the Quran actually teach.
FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton
You can go on believing that the virgin Mary remained a 'perpetual virgin' if you want to, but you have to do it in spite of...
Long before he was running for president, there was Donald Trump battling racism and anti-Semitism in Palm Beach society.
Muslims were joined by self-loathing Jews in the rally against Zionism in London on Al-Quds Day
Donald Trump said on Twitter on Monday that he would meet in New Jersey with Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa, as a potential running mate.
Barack Obama passing the torch of globalism to Hillary Clinton at rally in North Carolina this week.
The unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America.