"I've got 12 months left to squeeze every ounce of change I can while I'm still in office. And that's what I intend to do," Obama...
The NYC Commission on Human Rights has updated a law on “Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Expression” to threaten staggering financial penalties against...
Understanding what you read in Revelation is not the hard part, believing what is written there is.
"The Jews thought we forgot Palestine and that they had distracted us from it," Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi says in the recording. "Not at all, Jews. We...
Pope Francis used his Christmas message to urge Israelis and Palestinians to formulate a two state solution by sitting down at the negotiation table and agreeing...
According to God’s word, the Jewish Nation of Israel will go through their time to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make...
Saeed Abedini, a 35-year-old Pastor, father, and husband from Idaho, is currently imprisoned in Rajaei Shahr prison in Iran.
In China, Pastor Su Tianfu slides into the back seat and tells the driver to hit it. He looks over his shoulder: “Is there anybody following...
Now to me, the son of a WWII and Korea vet, and the brother to a United States Marine, this sounds like perfectly sound and rational...
At least 11 people were wounded Sunday when a motorist rammed his car into a number of crowds in the city of Dijon in eastern France....
For the first time since Hitler's death, Germany is publishing the Nazi leader's political treatise Mein Kampf, unleashing a highly charged row over whether the text...
President Obama was informed of a terrorist attack in Afghanistan that killed six American service members. But the sobering news didn’t stop Obama from heading to...
The year is 2025. This is the coming world of augmented humans, where technology gifts people senses, skills, and strengths never before available.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Joe Lombardo said he doubted the attack was “militant” in nature, but refuses to rule it out at this stage. He...
A woman in a car with its windows down screamed "Allahu Akbar" as she ran up onto the sidewalk and ran-over upwards of 40 people in...
To a splattering of applause from the abysmal turn out, Jeb Bush went on a rant about why Donald Trump cannot possibly be President by insulting...
Germans, facing an influx of more than one million Muslim migrant asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, are rushing to arm themselves in...
When Adolf Hitler burst upon the world stage in 1933, he was at once a mesmerizing and fearsome figure. People could not ever remember as having...
Rick Warren has stated he intends to send one billion Christians into the world to bring in the "Kingdom of Heaven". Billions of dollars pour into...
The arrival of ‘multiplex parenting’ is a ‘mere matter of time’ as the techniques have been shown to work on mice, according to a study. In...
Paul Ryan wasted no time in letting America know where he stood on the topic of Islam in America. Ryan also wasted no time in growing...
Thursday night’s concert at Blaine High School, one of the songs students will be singing includes Arabic words, including the phrase “Allahu Akbar,” which means “God...
Rep. Paul Ryan’s first major legislative achievement is a total and complete sell-out of the American people masquerading as an appropriations bill.
When someone sent us this video today, it shows that Hillsong Church has reached a new low in their adoration of emulating a lost and dying...