At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an International Tribunal of Climate Justice giving Third...
When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he...
Nearly 1 million illegal aliens have been ordered deported but still roam free in the U.S., including nearly 180,000 who have been convicted of crimes here,...
World War III has started, and has so far been surprisingly lopsided. Islam has scored knockout after knockout from the moment they illegally crossed the German...
For the past 2,000 years, the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ has been the blessed hope of Bible believers around the world. But...
President Obama is sending a small number of Special Operations troops to northern Syria, marking the first full-time deployment of U.S. forces to the chaotic country.
So after many months of planning, development and prayerfully seeking the Lord's guidance, we are thrilled to present to you fully-responsive and mobile ready 2016 version...
Iran intends to dispatch “a fleet of warships” to the Atlantic Ocean shortly, the semi-state Fars news agency reported Thursday, quoting the regime’s navy chief.
A JLENS Domestic Surveillance Blimp that has been tethered at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland has broken free Wednesday and is being tracked by two fighter...
Last week in the town of Hannover in Germany, Muslim migrants, no longer pretending to be "refugees", marched through the city streets waving the black flag...
Benghazi is not going to go away so easily. Now comes "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi", just in time for Hillary's run for the...
It looks like in the absence of their staunchly conservative, Christian founder, that Chick-Fil-A might be changing their stance on same-sex marriage.
The Second Amendment is to allow every American citizen to protect and defend themselves from foreign enemies like the Islamic Invasion, and domestic enemies like our...
The Mad Man in the White House again imposes his will on an entire nation. If any (more) proof was needed to show that America is...
When we, the Christians, participate in Halloween we are continuing the Druid tradition that was begun in human sacrifices and worship of the gods of the...
“It’s not just Pope Francis, it’s the whole church throughout the world, and that is powerful,” said Monsignor John Ribat, president of the bishops’ conference of...
For all her populist rhetoric against hedge-funders and the like, Clinton has received more donations from Wall Street CEOs than any candidate in the GOP —...
In this live, 2-hour episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at a place called Hell. We will show you it's exact location, it's precise temperature, what...
Muslims commemorate the Day of Ashura by carrying out brutal acts of self-flagellation, others slap their chests and chant, and some take part in 'street plays'....
Faith healer Rod Parsley has been diagnosed with throat cancer, and he doing a strange thing. Instead of having someone in his church with the "anointing"...
The three-week Vatican gathering, known as a synod, has erupted into a theological slugfest over Pope Francis vision for a more inclusive church, displaying the most...
This "new song" tells you exactly who this crowd of people in Revelation 5 is, for it can be no other. It is the only group...
Every minute of every day, 2.1 Muslim migrants legally enter our borders and are given legal immigrant status by the Obama administration. Thats’ 3,024 Muslims every...
The King James Bible is the most widely read work in English literature, a masterpiece of translation whose stately cadences and transcendent phrases have long been...