New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars.
Russia has set up military bases in Syria, and Iran is fighting Israel by proxy with Hamas, but Obama still has time to call for support...
The drama will be greater than ever this year, at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.Within the space of two hours on Monday morning,...
At DARPA, programs like RAM and REMIND (Restorative Encoding Memory Integration Neural Device) have explored how brain implants might help soldiers returning from war with traumatic...
Everywhere he goes, Pope Francis attracts worshipful crowds of people, straining and reaching to touch any part of him as if something spiritual and holy could...
Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants. Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover...
His Holiness Pope Francis will spread his message of hope, faith and unity in the form of a prog-rock-infused album titled Wake Up! this November.
The timeframe that Joel is seeing in his prophecy of the blood moon is the time of the Day of the Lord. When does the Day...
What better way could Pope Francis end a "sermon" whose opening remarks call Christ-rejecting, Hell-bound Muslims our "brothers and sisters", and whose main point is the...
Speaker John Boehner, under intense pressure from conservatives in his party, announced on Friday that he would resign one of the most powerful positions in government...
Pope Francis, fresh off his spectacular launch of his political career with his speech before Congress yesterday, address the United Nations General Assembly in New York...
During his speech before Congress, Pope Francis implored U.S. politicians to embrace migrants seeking to come into America.
At least 717 Muslims have been crushed to death in a stampede outside Mecca and more than 850 injured in the deadliest disaster on the annual...
After that stunning spiritual flop, Pope Francis then spoke about how much he wished to "enter into a dialogue" with the American people. This is where...
There is a growing, underground movement of people who believe California’s drought is part of a government conspiracy instead of a naturally occurring event from a...
It's funny how these things always seem to be following Obama around, you almost get the feeling that Someone is trying to give you a message....
The Roman Catholic Church claims to have started in Matthew 16:18 when Christ supposedly appointed Peter as the first Pope. However, the honest and objective student...
If I was a Catholic who loved Jesus Christ, I would be by turns both ashamed and outraged at the shameless political maneuvering of Pope Francis....
As the debate wore on and it became clear that the school board would not close schools next Thursday, Jersey City Muslims nearly walked out in...
Pope Francis, who has never been to the United States before, arrived from Cuba at Andrews Air Force Base, near Washington D.C. on Tuesday, September 22....
A liberal news website has published an essay by a pedophile asking Americans to 'learn to accept' people like him to raise awareness about their sexual...
American activist Lindy West started the #ShoutYourAbortion hashtag in response to the news that the House of Representatives voted 241–187 to suspend federal funding for Planned...
Israel and Russia agreed on Monday to coordinate military actions over Syria in order to avoid accidentally trading fire, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a...
About the Muslim migrants, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said 'They are over-running us...They're not just banging on the door, they're breaking the doors down on...