President Obama, in a historic first for the Pentagon, has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning to lead the Army, a move that would make him the...
20 climate scientists are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind man-made global warming.
Not everyone is called to be a preacher, pastor or evangelist or do street preaching, but all saved people are called to be a witness.
Joel Osteen excitedly begins to urge his followers to repeat after him - “Alright just repeat after me. I am strong. I am healthy. I am...
Doritos Rainbows are a limited-edition version of its Cool Ranch-flavored tortilla chips to show the chipmaker’s support of the LGBT community.
As Saudi Arabia faces mounting criticism for refusing to take in any of the millions of Syrian Muslim migrants fleeing conflict in their homeland, it was...
President Obama will apparently test just how far Pope Francis’ notorious tolerance will go by inviting a rogue’s gallery of people opposed to Catholic teaching to greet...
Muslim migrants have been chanting “Allahu Akbar” while pelting police officers with missiles including “really big rocks”, bottles, and even food, leading to the crack down....
"Donald Trump is in complete, total control of the political battle space," said Steve Schmidt, a top strategist for Sen. John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign.
Now we are right back where we started, having compared Scripture with Scripture, and have let the Bible tell us who the identity of the Antichrist...
The Vatican released a statement Tuesday officially welcoming the nuclear agreement between the P5+1 world powers (U.S., UK, China, France, Russia, Germany) and Iran, stating that...
Public School students in multiple states are being forced to recite 'Allah is the only god' as part of the classroom assignment. American Center for Law...
Hey, remember the days when Liberty University used to be a Christian college? Not so much anymore. Proof of that is yesterday's speech by anti-American Socialist...
Borch and her radical Muslim boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, took a long-bladed kitchen knife and stabbed her mother Tina Römer Holtegaard at least 20 times...
State Department and Homeland Security data reveals that the United States already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. President Obama...
Russia has positioned about a half dozen tanks at an airfield at the center of a military buildup in Syria, two U.S. officials said on Monday,...
The situation in McDowell “illustrates the administrative nightmare that this new law set up for our local officials,” said Sarah Preston, acting executive director of the...
In the Polish capital Warsaw, nearly 5,000 people, many chanting anti-Islamic slogans, marched through the city, an AFP correspondent said. “Islam will be the death of...
Germany has been viewed as a leader on Europe’s worst refugee crisis for 70 years, with Chancellor Angela Merkel's expectation that the country will take in...
America is still under attack from Muslim terrorists, and it is the occupier of the Oval Office who is pulling the trigger. No one in the...
The 38th and 39th chapters of the prophet Ezekiel shows us two different wars, separated by a minimum of 1,000 years. Let's take a look and...
Their lives take an unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets her newest client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a 'war room' and a battle plan...
87 Muslims dead after crane collapses at world’s holiest mosque in Mecca on anniversary of 9/11
Saudi Arabia has reportedly responded to the growing number of people fleeing the Middle East for western Europe – by offering to build 200 mosques in...