She alleged that the father, a Nigerian Muslim, was violent and tried to force her to wear the hijab, and often flew into a rage —...
Obama looked almost irritated Tuesday to be asked his reaction to the murder of the Jordanian pilot, shown on an Internet video being burned alive by...
Thousands of Jordanians have marched through the capital of Amman calling for the immediate execution of six Islamic State prisoners following the horrendous death of captured...
Icelanders will soon be able to publicly worship at a shrine to Thor, Odin and Frigg with construction starting this month on the island’s first major...
The new EMV credit card system the U.S. is set to migrate to by October, 2015. Also going away is the ability to sign for your...
Militants fighting for the Islamic State terror group in Syria and Iraq have released a video they claim shows Jordanian pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh being burnt alive...
Formerly known as Chopper Bob, Tur made a name for herself as a helicopter pilot who covered the infamous O.J. Simpson police pursuit in 1994 and...
Gohmert said most members had no idea what they were actually voting for when 219 members—216 of which were Republicans—approved a measure, H.R. 5759, first put...
The intimate lip-locking photographed between Bill Belichick and his adult daughter, Amanda, drew cries of 'making out' and comparisons to actor Woody Allen on Twitter after...
These unsettling pictures show in excruciating close-up every detail of the process, carried out at this year's Venezuela Tattoo Expo in Caracas, which bills itself as...
More than 120 straight days at the pump, the numbers kept going down. Drivers rejoiced. “I’m loving it. I can get my tank filled and it’s...
The Message has sold over 10 million copies. The list of prominent people in the Christian world who endorse this evil work is beyond belief. The...
Katy Perry is the perfect poster girl for the New World Order because she used to be a Christian, and now mocks the God she once...
In this live, 2-hour show we present to you the shocking, exclusive claims of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please join our interactive chat room where we...
The United Religions Initiative is meant to be for religions what the UN is for nations. Its purpose is to be the world religious authority, “a...
Hamas, a member of the Palestinian Unity Government, has published photo proof of the terrorist organization committing war crimes by training thousands of teenagers in “military...
Hannes Sjoblad says he and the Swedish Biohacking Group have objective - preparing us all for the day when others want to chip us.
ABC News reports today that a Tennessee woman is the first to be charged under a new state law that specifically makes it a crime to...
It’s not the first time Pope Francis has mentioned the 1907 novel by Robert Hugh Benson, but his recommendation appears to be due to the daunting...
The Channel 2 news report showed satellite imagery documenting what it said was Iran’s “very rapid progress” on long-range missile manufacture.
Iran is encouraging its terror allies to pursue the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s children by publishing personal information about them, including photographs of...
Israel told the United Nations it would take "all necessary measures" to defend itself. "Israel will not stand by as Hezbollah targets Israelis," wrote Ron Prosor
“It’s a docuseries featuring the Jenner family talking about Bruce ‘coming out.’ The world will see his full transformation,” a source told the magazine.
“I think the Muslim Brotherhood visit serves two goals,” Tadros said. “First, organizing the pro Muslim Brotherhood movement in the U.S. among the Egyptian and other...