Rocky Heights Middle School in Colorado is taking a class trip to the Denver Mosque today as part of their World Religions field trip.
Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, known as adhan or azan, from the Duke Chapel bell tower each Friday at 1...
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – Barack Obama With the carnage and horror that took place...
Charlie Hebdo's lawyer, Richard Malka, told French radio the upcoming publication will "obviously" lampoon Mohammed -- among other figures -- to show staff will "cede nothing"...
“Well, one of the origins for it is the Palestinian problem,” Jimmy Carter replied. “And this aggravates people who are affiliated in any way with the...
Neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden showed up — and in fact, America’s only representative was its relatively unknown and low-profile ambassador to France.
In this live, two-hour KJV bible study program, we look at bible prophecy from Genesis, Daniel, Isaiah, Joel, and many other prophets to see what God...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In elit mi, rhoncus eget scelerisque vitae, efficitur non dolor. Phasellus tincidunt massa urna, vitae fringilla metus tincidunt...
In a series of tweets he said: 'Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave'.
I will be taking passages from the Qur’an about Jesus - whom they call “Isa” and then I will post Scripture which will expose the passages...
Europe has a very serious Muslim problem, and it's not going away any time soon. Expect many more to be slaughtered to the satanic taunts of...
"Then will be a 1,000, then 10,000. I am convinced that this technology is here to stay and we will think it nothing strange to have...
U.S. weapons intended for Iraq’s beleaguered military are winding up in the possession of the country’s Shiite militias, according to U.S. lawmakers and senior officials in...
A policewoman was shot in the back and killed and a hero street cleaner was shot in the face as he tried to grapple with the...
At least 100,000 people gathered across France tonight to back an anti-Islamist newspaper whose offices were devastated by a deadly terrorist attack.
"The just-signed treaty is of epoch-making, historic importance," Russian President Vladimir Putin said. The troika of countries will cooperate in energy, industry, agriculture, and transport.
The latest quake, reported just after 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, measured in at a 2.6 magnitude, and was centered near the convergence of Highway 114, Loop...
Three masked Muslim gunmen stormed the offices of the controversial publication, which has previously been attacked over its portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed.
RevCom is the website for Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Their goal is to inflame and incite till the streets run with...
Publix director of media relations told CNN, "It's good business for us to offer benefits to all employees, not just those in the states that recognize...
Have you ever listened to two people debating the bible, using the exact same verses of scripture yet somehow coming to very different conclusions? There is...
“Proselytism is solemn nonsense; it makes no sense. We need to get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the...
The report indicates Planned Parenthood did 327,653 abortions in 2013, an increase over the 327,166 abortions it did in 2012.
Top televangelist Joel Osteen is caught up in a potential financial scandal that could destroy his $50 million empire