Christmas Eve notwithstanding, there was coldness and a deadness in the collective mood of the people on St. George street this afternoon.
Protesters in New York announced a march on 5th Avenue to defy Mayor DeBlasio’s moratorium on demonstrations after two NYPD cops were slaughtered.
It's the Devil's plan, in these last days, to convince the world that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Allah, are one and the...
The Temple Institute in Jerusalem produced, for the first time in 2000 years, the first flask of pure olive oil fit for use in the Temple’s...
Obviously the solution the president went with was the $5 billion to Qatar and the trade of the five Taliban.
North Korea's Internet connectivity grew steadily worse beginning Sunday night, and then went completely offline Monday morning.
The website ATHEIST MIND HUMAN HEART recently held a contest for their followers to create a new atheist version of the Ten Commandments from the bible....
Race baiting, like all con games and scams, can get pretty confusing when you tell too many stories and have too many irons in the fire.
The Mystery Revealed. The Christian Church Age is not an extension of the Jewish Dispensation. It is a unique creation as well as a mystery that...
The spirit of anarchy and rebellion, thanks to the race baiting hate speech of Liberals, has descended upon America with seemingly no end in sight.
Ismaaiyl Brinsley listened when New York Mayor Bill De Blasio, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama stoked the fires of division and hate against the police not...
Witnesses told police that Brinsley wordlessly blasted into the patrol car’s front passenger-side window.
On Monday, as he flew on-board the papal airplane, Pope Francis made a curious comment about his own death when he said "Two or three years...
“So the jury is still out on where we go with Amy,” Al Sharpton said. “We clearly are willing to deal with an immediate formula to...
REVELATION: THE END OF DAYS is a gripping, dramatic interpretation of the Pretribulation Rapture and the Great Tribulation that follows after it.
“This important shift will ensure that the protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are extended to those who suffer discrimination based on gender identity,...
Sony Pictures underwent a massive breach of their online systems in November, resulting in incredible embarrassment and the cancellation of various scheduled movie premiers.
It was revealed today that ISIS has been recruiting foreign doctors for months to harvest the internal organs not only from the bodies of their own...
The Lake Worth, Florida City Council allowed atheist Preston Smith to lead them in the opening prayer to Satan.
So just for fun tonight, I paid a visit to Joel Osteen's Twitter account and read through every text for the past year.
Israel announced on Sunday the discovery of a major offshore gas field, the third to be located in its waters in the past five years, augmenting...
The Holy See received Delegations of the two countries in the Vatican last October and provided its good offices to facilitate a constructive dialogue on delicate...
The attack took place near the Ein al-Asad base, which includes close to 100 U.S. military advisers. The U.S. troops, armed with “light and medium weapons,”...
Russia’s government is in the midst of a full-scale war to preserve the value of the ruble as a plummeting oil price has led to billions...