The assignment required her to affirm that "Allah is the same god that is worshipped in Christianity and Judaism" and that the "Quran is the word...
The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee on Wednesday endorsed legislation that makes firing squads the method for carrying out executions if the drugs needed...
Officials with ABC, CBS and Fox confirmed to The Hill that Obama's 8 p.m. speech from the White House will not be carried on their networks....
"I call on all the leaders of countries in the Western world: I want to see outrage over this massacre. I want to see denunciation," he...
Coburn said on Capital Download "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."
"This has very much been an underground phenomenon up until now, but there are perhaps a 100 people with the chip in Sweden," says Hannes Sjöblad...
In a statement delivered to the White House press pool, President Obama responded to the attack by declaring that “too many Palestinians have died."
Pope Francis formally announced his intention to attend the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, set to be held September 22-27, 2015
Four Israelis were killed and eight more wounded in a frenzied assault by two Palestinian men on Jewish worshippers praying at a Jerusalem synagogue in the...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a meeting in Amman last week, called on Jordan’s king and the Islamic foundation that administers the Temple Mount to exercise...
Under the executive order, the St. Louis County Police Department will have command and operational control over security in the city of Ferguson in areas of...
The meeting was not on his daily schedule. He was concerned that the protesters “stay on course.” What does that mean? And why is the president...
The hostage is the only American woman held by the militant group. ISIS’s intentions for its remaining American prisoner are unclear.
The Lamb opens the seals. After the Rapture of the Church, the time of Jacob's Trouble, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation, takes place on this...
A severed head said to Mr Kassig's is shown at the end of the near 16-minute long clip, which was uploaded to video sharing sites and...
Students at Jewett Middle Academy said they were terrified when police officers burst in the doors for a planned active shooter drill – but students and...
The Islamic State - ISIS - has recruited an army hundreds of thousands strong, far larger than previous estimates by the CIA, according to a senior...
Walmart Store manager Elijah Woodard made a formal announcement on Oct. 21 that the store would be selling Halal meats.
The Gulf Arab state has also designated Nusra Front and the Islamic State, whose fighters are battling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as terrorist organizations, along with...
“In the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of...
The first Muslim prayer service was held inside the Washington Nation Cathedral this afternoon, and was interrupted by a Christian woman who shouted out that "Jesus...
People who take in the caffeine equivalent of three cups of brewed coffee are more likely to hallucinate, a new study suggests The researchers found that...
In his first public appearance since the end of Gaza's latest war, Abu Ubaida said that Israel was seeking confrontation by escalating its "assault" on Al-Aksa...
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the latest projections for the net cost of ObamaCare over the next ten years are just over $1.4 trillion.