Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News tonight that amnesty via executive order is an "impeachable offense."
The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by this section of the Arms...
In a video clip released last week entitled “Do You Love Santa Claus,” Cameron stated that “maybe someone like Santa Claus is actually on our team.”
Montgomery’s Board of Education voted 7 to 1 Tuesday to eliminate references to all religious holidays on the published calendar for 2015-2016, a decision that followed...
Compared with a person who never smoked marijuana, someone who uses marijuana regularly has, on average, less gray matter in his orbital frontal cortex.
When Muslims claim victory in a military conquest, they do two things. They build a mosque on or near the site of the battle, and then...
Governments are developing weapons that rely on artificial intelligence, not human instruction, to decide what to target and whom to kill.
“We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting us.” said Rizwan Jaka, a spokesman with the prominent ADAMS...
The conference will be held Nov. 17-19 at the Vatican, and is expected to feature more than 30 speakers from over 20 countries. According to the...
The FDA says that the way Abilify works is “unknown.” Unknown! As in, we have no idea why this medication seems to help people with bipolar...
Obama's statement comes after the FCC said back in April that it was working on a new set of rules that would allow internet service providers...
Maker of the beloved Frosted Flakes and corporate giant Kellogg's scores a perfect 100% in the workplace when it comes to issues favored by the LGBT...
The seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation have great importance to bible believers living in these last days. They are a record of that...
The leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was “critically wounded” when a U.S.-led air strike targeted the western Iraqi...
A controversial, 20,000-square-foot Muslim worship center won approval Tuesday by city council members in Georgia.
Tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, have simmered since black teen Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in August.
“We cannot just sit and wait. If we sit and wait it will go on for another 40 years. We have to have action now,” said...
ISIS is recruiting Iraqi and Syrian children and training them to fight in a sick boys’ club called the "Cubs of the Islamic State." During the...
The report of a new Russian movement of armor across the border follows a charge on Thursday by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine that Kiev government...
Palestinians seemed to be adhering to leadership calls to hold a so-called 'Day of Rage' against Israel on Friday, as hundreds of West Bank residents staged...
It did not take long for the city of Fort Lauderdale to make good on the promise to criminally charge those who violate a new ordinance...
While the Christian couple was being burnt, the Muslims were chanting slogans of Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). They remained there until the couple was completely...
The amount of data my new smart television collects is staggering. It logs where, when, how and for how long you use the TV.
Charles Krauthammer told “Special Report” host Bret Baier the Republican victories were “the worst wall-to-wall, national, unmistakable, unequivocal shellacking that you will ever see” and a...