Last night's landslide victory at the polls changed all that, and the question now remains will the Republicans fulfill their promise to get rid of Obamacare?
Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz warned Tuesday that Israel was prepared to completely eviscerate Lebanon in response to any cross-border missile attack by Hezbollah
Aides said Tuesday that he’d sign an executive order by the end of December giving temporary legal status to help some of the 11 million immigrants...
Abdulmunim Al-Mushawah revealed that about 129,600 tweets were posted by accounts affiliated to terror groups in October 2014. As a result, at least 500 accounts believed...
Today the Islamic State made the announcement that revealed their true intentions - the invasion of Jerusalem.
The family of Marysue Grivna said everything changed after she got the influenza vaccine on Nov. 22, 2013. Three days later, Marysue’s parents called 911 after...
Claiming new momentum 48 hours before polls open across America, Republicans on Sunday assailed President Barack Obama in a final weekend push to motivate voters as...
Any doubt that times are changing ended with last month's Vatican synod, or church council, which brought hundreds of bishops and other Catholics to Rome for...
Tensions over the Temple Mount over the last several weeks have come against rising unrest in some East Jerusalem neighborhoods, with near-daily incidents of rocks being...
The maritime system uses similar technology to the land version. The trajectory of an incoming missile is recognized and a counter missile is launched to intercept...
Starbucks released what is reportedly its very first lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)-themed commercial this week starring the top two contestants from "Drag Race" season...
A court ordered that Tahmooressi, who'd been held on weapons charges, be freed, a Mexican federal government press release said.
Those who attended said a shift was taking place as the church navigates issues such as the increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage.
All over America, as parents go over homework with their children, it is becoming apparent that the United States public school system curriculum has been hijacked...
A celebration in San Francisco’s streets over the Giants’ World Series victory turned raucous and violent in some areas with people injured by gunfire, officers hurt...
Cook’s sexual orientation has been an open secret in Silicon Valley, and while he openly supported gay rights he he never spoke about his sexuality in...
“This dangerous Israeli escalation is a declaration of war on the Palestinian people and its sacred places and on the Arab and Islamic nation,” his spokesman...
Hagel said, “I think we are living through one of these historic, defining times. I think we are seeing a new world order.”
“We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit,” said Mark...
The unmanned Antares rocket spewed fire in what looked like an Armageddon-esque scene, causing severe damages to its takeoff location in Wallops Island. It is unclear...
“We’re always talking about what the Republican’s ain’t done for us, but my life has been hurt by democrats,” Watkins says.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel concluded that Israel will purchase a second squadron of stealth technology aircraft F-35, during Ya'alon's visit to the U.S.
It has been revealed through recently disclosed government documents and interviews that at least 1,000 ex-Nazis were recruited by the American military, FBI and CIA to...
The Catholic Church no longer teaches creationism - the belief that God created the world in six days - and says that the account in the...