The BBC said that the explosion on Sunday evening was “so intense that windows of buildings nine miles away were shattered.” “The glare from the blast...
Dr Felicity Hartnell injects the vile of the ebola vaccine called Chimp Adenovirus type 3 (ChAd3) to Ruth Atkins, who is the first healthy UK volunteer...
At a recent concert in the Netherlands where Queen Beatrix of Holland was a special guest, a Muslim man took the stage and and begin issuing...
Affleck responds by saying: 'Are you the person who understands the officially codified doctrine of Islam?
Ferguson city officials are working on evacuation plans if Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted in the shooting death of 18 year-old robber Michael Brown.
If the current outbreak of the Ebola virus was indeed concocted in a government lab, then certainly you would need a lot of cheap, readily-available containers...
“How is my relationship with my guardian angel? Do I listen to him? Do I wish him good morning? Do I say: 'protect me during sleep'?...
Sweden’s new government is set to recognize the State of Palestine, in a move that will make it the first member of the European Union to...
"The clearest path to change is to change the voter turnout number," said Obama "Si se puede, si votamos! Yes, we can, if we vote!"
We want to embrace diversity. Of all kinds. You can sell your shares in Starbucks and buy shares in another company.
“Vermont is unusual. We should be blessed to live here with a Planned Parenthood that does extraordinary work, and a legislature that will stand behind you,”...
Last week, an airstrike from the American-led coalition nearly hit a command-and-control facility affiliated with the Free Syrian Army, the moderate rebels the Obama administration says...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed on Tuesday that a patient being treated at a Dallas hospital has tested positive for Ebola, the...
American jihadists are joining ISIS and other terrorist organizations. What should happen to them?
A new Government Accountability Institute report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefing in the 2,079 days of his...
This will shortchange our war fighters and compromise their ability to complete the mission I was told by many friends of mine who served multiple tours...
A 60 day international crowdfunding campaign to finance the construction of a modern Third Temple on the Temple Mount garnered $105,000 worth of donations from over...
So why is gas still so crazy expensive in America? So, ok…if the United States really is producing more petroleum that Saudi Arabia, why then is...
Westport is the first in the nation to offer instruction in programming and robotics with sophisticated humanoid bots made by the French robotics firm Aldebaran.
The Islamic State is now less than 1 mile away from entering Baghdad. They said it could never happen and now it almost has.
President Obama acknowledged that the U.S. underestimated the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, also called ISIL and overestimated the ability of...
On Sunday night's program, Jesus had much to say to his disciples about the importance of resting, and it's a message that is sorely needed in...
The RAF is flying bombing missions over Iraq, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. Two armed RAF Tornado aircraft, plus a refuelling aircraft, took off from...
The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a landmark resolution for LGBT rights during its 27th session on Friday, the second-ever motion of its kind.