Almost the entire Syrian side of the Golan Heights is now under the control of rebel forces, including radical Islamist groups, a senior Israeli military commander...
It has been confirmed that on Thursday morning a Mexican military helicopter flew into the U.S. and shot at Border Patrol agents.
We lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and...
Pope Francis said that "No one becomes Christian on his or her own! Is that clear? You cannot love God outside of the Church; you cannot...
If history is a guide, then the future that awaits us is truly frightening. Keep in mind that in former regimes such as Nazi Germany and...
The five cities of the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah have been located and the evidence is staggering. For the first time in modern history we...
"The system will also allow us to do things we never thought about," John Alan Moore, the Hilton hotel's director of security and life, says in...
Obama reached over the glass and put his dirty fingers right on top of dozens of open containers of food that the dozens of people behind...
Both of Paul's letters to Timothy are centered around not only Timothy's call to the ministry, but also they comprise a wonderful and practical, biblical guide...
At their meeting today in Rome, they discussed among other things, the coming alliance of the Roman Catholic church with the Charismatic apostates.
What happens next is not only a masterclass in debating by super awesome American Terrorism Expert Brigitte Gabriel, it's also a much-needed dose of intelligence and...
"It is the first collaboration of the Vatican with an Arab country," not only because it presents excellent artworks but also because it furthers dialogue between...
Preacher Geoffrey Grider of Now The End Begins in Florida versus Pastor Martin Bledsoe of Babylon Forsaken Ministries in Kentucky. What is the rapture? Will we...
So I am very proud of the progress that we are now making even in appointing LGBT ambassadors. I worked with the committee here at the...
Its social media savvy has made ISIS a "terror brand" to rival al-Qaida, with supporters worldwide following the brutal exploits of the Islamist group through its...
The Israeli jets and artillary "Tamuz" missiles struck nine targets belonging to the Syrian military early on Monday, in response to a cross-border missile attack which...
Berlin thinks it is making religious history as Muslims, Jews and Christians join hands to build a place where they can all worship. The House of...
Do you know how to "rightly divide" your bible more than just Old and New Testaments? Well, why not? Rightly dividing your bible is a COMMAND...
Loud explosions echoed across Gaza early Sunday morning, as Israeli planes bombed sites in the Palestinian enclave, hours after at least two rockets were shot at...
Why on earth would the head of Fox News be not only meeting with Obama's main Muslim advisor Valerie Jarrett for any reason, much less a...
The New York Times reported the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted on Friday at its general convention to divest from three companies that it says supply Israel...
Jews in France are fleeing by the thousands to return to their ancestral home of Israel, and Jerusalem it's capital. More than 5,000 are on track...
The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted by large margins to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language...
The coalition of more than 100 elected leaders and law enforcement officials from major cities said the agreement means the three main smartphone platforms would soon...