So Pride Month is a time for celebration, and this year we've got a lot to celebrate. If you think about everything that's happened in the...
The 10th red heifer has been found in America, and preparations are now underway to bring the animal to Israel.
Just 4 days after caravans of UN armored vehicles were spotted by an alert newsie with a smart phone, a nearly endless convoy of tanks were...
Allstate Insurance is one of many Fortune 500 companies in America that is desperate for the LGBT dollar, so much so that they have created a...
What came out could only be described as demonic. Look at the look of utter shock and disbelief on the faces of not only the judges...
Pastor Umar Mulinde urged America to 'stand up before it’s late against the invasion of the Islamization that is going on in your country.'
Governor Rick Snyder wants more Muslim aliens–he specified “refugees”–to come to Michigan. He’s made Muslim immigration the centerpiece of his Michigan economic policy.
In the 12 years since it was established to “prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,” the DHS has grown from a post-9/11 knee-jerk reaction to...
But be warned, the Holy Spirit writing through the Apostle Paul pulls no punches and much of what we read here will greatly rattle and upset...
A man calling himself StoneGuy223 driving home from a sporting event in Georgia, held up his smart phone and took this video showing flatbed trucks hauling...
Under the orders of Barack Obama, the U.S. Special Operations commando team has just arrested Ahmed Abu Khattala in Benghazi, Libya, a "senior leader' of the...
This breathtaking footage of two wingsuit divers leaping from the top of a 4,600ft Chinese high mountain will blow you away.
At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it...
Welcome to the world's-largest Senior Citizen retirement community - The Villages - whose serene and posed facade belies a wicked and spiritually corrupt underbelly.
Over the past month, the world's media has been awash with gruesome images depicting Muslim Islamist insurgent barbarism whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kenya, Palestine or Syria.
It's Father Day, and your Heavenly Father doesn't want a tie, a card, or breakfast in bed. He wants you. He desires sweet fellowship with His...
The Minerva Research Initiative, funded by the Pentagon to study the effects of when the people finally revolt, is the next step in the Illuminati plan...
President Obama reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children, who would qualify for...
There is no fear of God in the eyes of Israelis today. Yes, there is a form of "godliness", but the God of Abraham, Issac and...
“Iraqi officials at the highest level said they had requested manned and unmanned U.S. airstrikes this year against ISIS camps in the Jazira desert,” said Kenneth...
Google has purchased satellite start-up Skybox Imaging in it's quest to extend their all-seeing eye into every aspect of our lives. On the surface, Google says...
Sunni insurgents advancing on Baghdad after taking Mosul have captured the city of Tikrit, the home town of Saddam Hussein, as government forces disintegrate and fail...
Parents had no idea that a mandatory assembly to promote gay pride was taking place. and many were justly outraged. It wasn't until the children came...
“For the first time in history, the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv has raised the Pride flag together with our American flag,” Shapiro wrote. “We are...