The Obama White House sent out a very disturbing photo over Twitter tonight of Obama seated on the Iron Throne from the hit HBO series "Game...
Obama, when he is forced to, pays lip service to Israel and does the bare minimum that he can get away with. But as this video...
America has gotten to a peculiar point in its illustrious history, and it's precisely the same place that the Roman Empire arrived at just before they...
Both of Paul's letters to Timothy are centered around not only Timothy's call to the ministry, but also they comprise a wonderful and practical, biblical guide...
"This is a holiday when all-conquering patriotic force triumphs, when we all feel especially strongly what it means to be true to the Motherland and how...
Next month, a pilot program of the "National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace" will begin in government agencies in two US states, to test out...
Firewhirls turn and burn. They are rapidly spinning vortices that form when air superheated by an intense wildfire rises rapidly, consolidating low-level spin from winds converging...
While Obama rattled off a phony speech about Holocaust survivors, he had recently pressured Israel into releasing the murderer of a Holocaust survivor.
Pope Francis told U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday that the world body must do more to help the poor and should encourage the "legitimate...
They don't want peace, they have never wanted peace, they will never want peace with Israel. What they want is Israel destroyed and each and every...
U.S. Marines captured this incredible footage of what looks like a UFO hovering over a Taliban encampment - then blowing it to kingdom come.
AtheistTV will be launching this summer with big plans to reach out to atheists, humanists, freethinkers, and folks who are looking for a way out of...
Russia launches this new recruitment campaign at a time when Russia - US relations are at their lowest point since the Cold War of the 1950's....
Russian news wires said that the exercises simulated dealing a massive retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an enemy attack. The description of the exercise is...
After the Singularity occurs, it is predicted that vast changes will sweep through society; changes so drastic that they are nearly inconceivable at the present time.
A Satanic Black Mass reenactment is scheduled to take place at the Queen’s Head Pub in Memorial Hall at Harvard University on May 12, with the...
An immense explosion has been heard throughout the northern Iranian city of Qazvin, semi-official Fars news agency reported, and many casualties are expected from the blast.
Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday the nation's gun culture has gotten "way out of balance" and the U.S. needs to rein in the notion that "anybody...
Parent William Baer attempted to express his concern at a New Hampshire school board meeting Monday about a controversial book containing graphic sexual content that was...
During her first gay press interview, the Grammy winner reflected on her loyal gay fan base, how she reconciles Christianity and homosexuality, and her "compassion" for...
“With four of our countrymen killed at the hands of terrorists, the American people want answers, accountability, and justice,” Boehner said Monday. “Trey Gowdy is as...
Podesta said that the president was committed to using executive orders to pass regulations under the Clean Air Act to limit carbon dioxide emissions that they...
The law’s employer coverage mandate doesn’t take effect until 2015, but early plan renewals are starting to roll in. And for some businesses, the premium jumps...
A Knesset Member said Thursday that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef told him that the Prime Minister's bureau contacted him and asked togrant halakhic permission for...