China said on Wednesday it would conduct joint naval drills with Russia in the East China Sea off Shanghai in late May, in what it called...
It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that websites - any website - do not cost anywhere near three quarters of a billion...
The cost of the first lady's hotel room for the Beijing portion of her trip, reportedly $8,400/night, raised some eyebrows at the time. The prices of...
The Jewish mayor of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Gennady Kernes, has been shot in the back by unidentified gunmen, the city council’s press service...
Israel came to a standstill on Monday morning at 10 a.m. as the national memorial siren sounded, stopping traffic on the country’s roads and allowing drivers...
A Russian intelligence-gathering ship has been operating off the U.S. East Coast and near the Gulf of Mexico for the past month, the Pentagon said Thursday.
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, is proudly announcing that the U.S. military is again using their chaplains for active-duty...
“We really try to use Sunday as a family downtime where we can kind of breathe and catch up, and maybe take a little nap every...
'Up to five' militants in the separatist-controlled east-Ukrainian town of Slaviansk have been killed by government special forces - an operation that Russian president Putin said...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.
U.S. Army paratroopers are arriving in Poland on Wednesday as part of a wave of U.S. troops heading to shore up America's Eastern European allies in...
'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias...
The economy appears to be in far worse shape than the major media outlets would have us believe. In fact, if you want to see how...
“People are coming nationally from all over the U.S. but I’m also seeing a lot of international guests as well,” Lunsford said. “They’re all coming here...
A Silicon Valley company called Knightscope is currently testing a prototype robot designed to detect and monitor criminal activity, much the way a police officer or...
A lot of Americans were surprised to see TV images of an armed-to-the-teeth paramilitary wing of the BLM deployed around Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch.
“We can recognize a precursor pattern that could be associated with a crime before it happens,” Cobb said. “In a lot of cases, you can see...
Despite Reid’s characterization of Bundy supporters as “domestic terrorists,” the only violence metered out during the dispute was when BLM agents tasered and assaulted Bundy supporters...
A leaflet distributed in Donetsk, Ukraine calling for all Jews over 16 years old to register as Jews marred the Jewish community's Passover festivities Monday (Passover...
The Obama administration has removed all operational combat tanks from Europe and key strike aircraft, limiting the options for a show of force to bolster eastern...
In a grotesque video for the song “G.U.Y.,” Gaga has “resurrected” Jesus, Gandhi and Michael Jackson after calling on her false gods. Listen to the demon-inspired...
“I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I...
Google has bought a company that develops military-style drones in a controversial $60 million dollar deal. Titan Aerospace makes unmanned aircraft that run on solar power...
Deep in the flat and featureless landscape of eastern Ukraine, it is all too possible that the outline of World War III is taking shape. Whipped...