At 1am local time on March 1st, the Ministry of Defense issued a statement that they received intel informing of an attack on Ukrainian military installations...
Russian troops moved into Crimea Friday, U.S. officials told Fox News, prompting Ukraine to accuse Russia of an “armed invasion.” At the White House, President Obama...
"Any violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be deeply stabilizing," Obama said in a hastily arranged statement delivered from the White House. Such action...
Some restaurants have made the decision to charge customers for Obamacare: Gator's Dockside restaurants in Florida have added a 1% Affordable Care Act surcharge on their...
SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine — A Russian armored personnel carrier loomed beside a checkpoint controlling access to Sevastopol on Wednesday while other heavily armed vehicles moved into public...
Regardless of how you view the Sandy Hook Newtown school shooting, it has raised multiple questions that have never received satisfactory answers.
Now, three years after that Fukushima exposure, at least 100 of those first responders are suffering from unexplained illnesses like cancer, leukemia, bleeding and hair loss—and...
Armed men seized the regional government headquarters and parliament in Ukraine's Crimea on Thursday and raised the Russian flag, alarming Kiev's new rulers, who urged Moscow...
Havana (AFP) – A Russian warship was docked in Havana Wednesday, without explanation from Communist Cuba or its state media. The boat, measuring 91.5 meters (300 feet)...
Once fully phased in, the Obamacare individual mandate tax will rise steeply, to a maximum of 2.5 percent of Adjusted Gross Income or $2,085 – whichever...
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered a test of the “battle readiness” of military forces deployed in the western and central areas of the country,...
Aside from the creepy spying aspect of the Smart Meter, here is another fact you need to know. It is wireless, and uses microwave radiation to...
In his new book, Ralph Nader calls for the end of “unconstitutional wars and unchecked militarism” — and lays blame on President Barack Obama for going...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave $100 million to fund a giant database to collect private information of American school children starting in early education...
Al Gore gave a 90-minute presentation, using photos and videos to illustrate a litany of floods, wildfires, torrential rains, droughts, dust storms, rising sea levels and...
But the most remarkable caught-on-camera smooch undoubtedly took place between Miley and her fellow pop princess Katy Perry, who appeared totally stunned when Miley leaned into...
The details still need to be decided, but the revolutionaries have won in Ukraine. Some elements of the old regime may survive, but that is precisely...
There is only one way to throw off a tyrannical government and to remove a dictator, in Ukraine or any other country. Like America. Like Obama....
On Jimmy Kimmel’s ABC show earlier this week, “The O’Reilly Factor” anchor Bill O’Reilly called President Barack Obama a “patriot.” On his show on Thursday night,...
Listen and understand. The game changed in Venezuela last night. What had been a slow-motion unravelling that had stretched out over many years went kinetic all...
Truce crumbles! EU votes to impose sanctions after Ukraine President Yanukovych's forces kill up to 100 protesters in new bloodbath.
Some people may find the AGT-Cisco Smart City product a bit creepy--after all, it's a traffic management system that reads license plate numbers and integrates social...
Ukraine's political crisis took a deadly turn today, with at least nine people reported killed and others injured in violent clashes between protesters and police outside...
America is unraveling at a stunning speed and to a staggering degree, thanks to Obama. This decline is breathtaking, and the prognosis is dim.