Google-owned Motorola Mobility has filed for a patent, published last week, for a system "that comprises an electronic skin tattoo capable of being applied to a...
Of the 47 dead Clinton associates, the majority happened to die of apparent suicides. All deaths untimely and unexpected.
Jones says more than 1 million cancellation notices have been sent to Californians as the Affordable Care Act begins allowing individuals to buy insurance through exchanges.
Barack Hussein Obama is public enemy #1 of the American people. Obama knew you would not keep your health plan, Obama knew your premiums would skyrocket,...
“I was really shocked … all of my hopes were sort of dashed,” Wagner said. “’Oh my gosh President Obama, this is not what we hoped...
Joel Osteen preaches "another gospel". A gospel designed to delight the hearer and tickle their ears. He is to bible preaching what Coca Cola and cotton...
It’s a moment of truth for an American conservatism that embodies “that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments...
Five millions tons of rubbish made up of devastated homes, boats, cars and businesses is making its way across the Pacific Ocean following the 2011 tsunami...
After multiple top generals described what they regard as a full-scale “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration, the commander of U.S. Army Garrison...
President Barack Obama altered his health care promise on Monday evening in a speech to about 200 of his campaign supporters and health care activists, claiming...
If Obamacare is fully implemented, 68 percent of Americans with private health insurance will not be able to keep their plan, according to health care economist...
A giant bronze statue of Jesus has gone up on a Syrian mountain, apparently under cover of a truce among three factions in the country's civil...
Obama first step was to get millions and millions of Americans wholly dependent on government entitlements like welfare and food stamps. Now we have his second...
Chinese nuclear attacks will mainly target the key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San...
“There is no doubt he Obama is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women...
A manual used for diversity training for the military describes white, Christian males as having an “unfair advantage” compared to other races, and encourages troops to...
The Boston Marathon bombings from last year were used as a thinly-veiled excuse to run a test trial of imposed martial law for a 24-hour period....
A second mystery barge has been discovered - this one docked in Maine, thousands of miles away from the ship spotted in San Francisco Bay that...
For some time now, scientists have been working on the fusion of human beings and computer-controlled machines known as singularity. Computer chip giant Intel Labs has...
CNN reported last night that the White House is trying to silence insurance companies from discussing Obamacare problems. In other words, they are bullying these CEOs...
Already 1.5 million have had insurance they were happy with stripped from them. If the Congressional Budget Office is correct, this will happen to millions more.
Millions of Americans are getting cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three...
After some throat clearing, Carney said, "So it's true there are existing health care plans on the individual market that do not meet those minimum standards...
We believe this is proof that the financing of the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began back in the early 1980's, and that he sits in...