"We are operating on all fronts, in the north and south, in order to protect the citizens of Israel from these attacks,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu...
Josh Earnest, principal deputy White House press secretary, said he was not familiar with the murder of Australian jogger Chris Lane during Wednesday’s White House briefing.
If the police arrest you, do they need a warrant to rifle through your cellphone? Courts have been split on the question. Last week the Obama...
A legislative change taking effect in Germany this November allows parents to opt out of determining their baby’s gender. The law is the first of its...
Yasmine Ahmed’s two brothers had been trapped in the siege for over 12 hours. Packed into a sweltering back room barricaded with chairs and wooden tables,...
Under carefully controlled conditions we examined the Chicken McNuggets under a high-powered digital microscope, expecting to see only processed chicken bits and a fried outer coating.
Newly declassified documents, obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive, appear to for the first time acknowledge the existence of Area 51. Hundreds of pages...
President Obama’s Egypt policy is about as effective as his Syria policy. And for the first time Wednesday, with the number of dead and injured mounting,...
Not a single person showed up at the Georgetown waterfront Tuesday for a climate change agenda event put on by Organizing for Action, the shadowy nonprofit...
Hagee said he changed course the next day, after meeting with Bernal and reviewing the changes with his attorney and the Justice Foundation, a conservative legal...
“You are good, Barack Obama. You are great…” “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Isaiah 14:14...
We will raise the Islamic flag on every point on earth where Muslims live and we will chase all the enemies of Islam wherever they are....
The Obamas went on to insinuate that Islam's Eid al-Fatr is the equivalent to Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July as they wrote the check for...
The president’s statement comes in the midst of concerns about the group’s resurgence, which earlier this week prompted the closure of American embassies throughout the Middle...
President Barack Obama hosted Apple CEO Tim Cook, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, Google computer scientist Vint Cerf and other tech executives and civil liberties leaders on...
With conditions continuing to deteriorate in Syria, the Obama administration is making a major policy shift by agreeing for the first time to allow thousands of...
RELATED STORY: The Mark of the Beast and the Implantable RFID Chip A new trial in the U.K. lets people pay for items using the PayPal app,...
Congress has partially wriggled free from the "Obamacare" health reforms that it passed and subjected itself to three years ago.
On July 31, 2013, Imam Talib Shareef of Masjid Muhammad in Washington, D.C., opened a session of the United States Congress with a prayer on Capitol...
Something huge is about to happen on the sun. According to measurements from NASA-supported observatories, the sun's vast magnetic field is about to flip.
(CNN) – A pair of suspected U.S. drone strikes killed four al Qaeda militants in Yemen as the United States maintained a heightened security alert in...
CBS News reports that a large-scale attack may be imminent as al-Qaeda terrorists in the Arabian Peninsula already have their orders and could be in place...
Remember how all the Libs said that George Bush was the “worst president ever”? Well, seems to me that there was hardly a peep out of...
Silly me, I thought Obama said that “al-Qaeda was on the run”, that his policies had “all but wiped them out”? Hmm, guess not… From Fox...