"Pink slime" is a ground mixture of bovine waste trimmings that are disinfected with ammonium hydroxide to kill pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. These...
Palestinians kept up rocket fire against southern Israel on Monday in a fourth day of hostilities in which 23 Palestinians have been killed. "If the Qassam...
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza targeted cities, towns, and farming regions in southern Israel with waves of rockets throughout Friday and Saturday, setting off air raid sirens...
Invisible Children Inc Executives have retained expensive Lawyers and in the past have been threatening libel suits to any one who dares to question their financial...
Of the many roles Pat Robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader — including presidential candidate and provocative voice of the right...
They call it Pink Slime! The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is picking up 7 million pounds of beef containing ammonium hydroxide-treated ground connective tissue...
The sun erupted Tuesday evening, and the effects should start smacking Earth around 7 a.m. EST Thursday, according to forecasters at the federal government's Space Weather...
God has humbled us through the events of May 21, to continue to even more fervently search the Scriptures (the Bible), not to find dates, but...
An estimated 20,000 people, including one family that arrived at 4 a.m. Saturday to be the first in line, showed up at Canyon Ridge Christian Church...
Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a “senior American official”, says that the decision has already been made by the Israeli government to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities....
Now, a new class of medical devices is emerging that adds a twist to the traditional implant: the devices are so small that they can travel...
A controversial system of mobile euthanasia units that will travel around the country to respond to the wishes of sick people who wish to end their...
Tornadoes have ravaged the South and Midwest, destroying homes, claiming lives, tearing roofs from schools, damaging a maximum security prison and wiping one Indiana town entirely...
In a stunning coincidence, It appears Andrew Breitbart suffered his untimely death just hours before he was set to release damning video footage that could have...
Internet news publisher Andrew Breitbart passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles. "For what is your life? It is...
A paradigm shift has occured in America. Seemingly overnight, Eurpoean-style street riots and aggressive anarchy have become part of everyday life. While a jobless 'recovery' slithers...
Chrislam founder Rick Warren has joined forces with California mosques to adopt a 3-step plan for ending enmity between evangelical Christians and Muslims.
Vodafone has unveiled the next ‘revolution’ in smartphones that will see shoppers use their handsets instead of cash or cards at the checkout. A special chip...
“The British Government has run out of money because all the money was spent in the good years,” the Chancellor said. “The money and the investment...
Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95...
Professor Richard Dawkins today admitting that he is actually agnostic as he can't prove God doesn't exist. The country's foremost champion of the Darwinist evolution, who...
Industry expert Rafe Needleman believes it's just a matter of time before stores not only to recognize you, but track your spending habits. “When you walk...
A Polk Award for Television Documentary marks another substantial achievement for Al-Jazeera English, the burgeoning network that had its biggest year to date in 2011. AJE...
The former chief of staff to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday an Israeli strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities is “imminent.” “We’re at the very...