Australia is to remove the birth of Jesus as a reference point for dates in school history books. Under the new politically correct curriculum, the terms...
The gay-advocacy group OutServe launched the magazine last Spring and has already produced two editions. The group says its September edition will be available for free...
Walking into the Washington Monument on Monday after Hurricane Irene blew through, standing water was found puddled inside the iconic structure's interior.
Steve Jobs is a hard-working man, that's certainly a fact. For the last 30 years, having almost single-handedly created the personal computer revolution, has captured the...
In an unprecedented decision, nearly 300,000 people who live in flood-prone areas of New York City were ordered to evacuate Friday as Hurricane Irene sets its...
'Son of Sam' killer David Berkowitz and the apostle Paul have something in common - they were both serial murderers before they met the living Lord...
Four Kassam rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at the Eshkol Regional Council on Wednesday evening in two separate incidents, less than an hour apart....
Diplomats scrambled to avert a crisis in relations between Egypt and Israel on Saturday, and the Israeli government issued a rare statement of regret for the...
Ron Paul narrowly lost the Iowa straw poll last week to Michele Bachmann by a few hundred votes. He spent a fraction that Bachmann spent on...
Vice President Biden will tout the debt ceiling deal during a trip to China and Japan, two holders of huge amounts of U.S. debt. Biden will...
Will the Children’s Television Workshop give way to same-sex puppet love? An online campaign is calling for the producers of TV’s “Sesame Street” to allow characters...
President Barack Obama is hosting an Iftar dinner Wednesday evening to celebrate the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The Iftar is the dinner that breaks the...
NEW YORK (AP) -- The U.S. stock market joined a sell-off around the world Monday in the first trading since Standard & Poor's downgraded American debt...
Many House and Senate conservatives are reviving their battle against federal regulations, claiming that the president hasn't stopped issuing job-killing rules during the debt ceiling fight....
The U.S. economy is showing signs of slipping back into a recession thanks in part to financial strain at the state and local levels, says Meredith...
The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression. Take...
At least one U.S. military serviceman has been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to attack Fort Hood nearly two years after a deadly shooting...
The wages of sin. For all her talent, she was a role model of the worst kind. And her eight years in the music business mirror...
Glenn Beck, who in June aired his final cable tv show on Fox News, is still on the radio and has found a new way to...
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Texas schools were back at the center of the argument over whether students should be taught...
President Obama must be grinning from ear to ear. not only has the news reported yesterday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is scheming to raise...
Casey Anthony is planning on writing a best-seller, so she can strike it rich on the back of her dead daughter, Caylee. She is also planning...
Jurors cried and felt 'sick to their stomachs' after voting to acquit Casey Anthony of murdering her two-year-old daughter, one of the jury members revealed. In...
The flames from the 108-square-mile fire have reportedly reached as close as 50 feet from the grounds. With a wildfire so close, lab officials, along with...